Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had not been Mrs Diggory who had told Lady Lavinia about herself and Benedict .
2 If you have not been contact with someone for some time and do not have a directory which is updated frequently , a quick phone call tell you whether your contact is still there or has moved on .
3 He says that until now the company 's marketing drive has ‘ not been Telepoint led ’ , and instead pitched at selling the handsets as ‘ a quality cordless phone ’ .
4 Would she have been a normal and contented woman had she not been Nicolae 's sister , or did her willingness to abuse every chance to profiteer from her position and to humiliate those she disliked reflect a deeply unpleasant cast in the Ceauşescu genes ?
5 His name in those far-off days had not been Fedorov ; he had been the youngest son of a noble family , with high hopes of a distinguished military career .
6 In addition the head office buildings in Liverpool had not been purpose built to suit the needs of the company and they had become too small .
7 There has not been space to say much about the flight from generality in the world outside mind , but I have tried to show how the attempts to flee generality within the mind and to abandon or reduce consciousness must both fail .
8 Unless it was sentimental to want to remember a time when he and this girl had not been strangers to each other .
9 Well I , I still do look er y you know but not er m you see last year th there 's not been bargains with erm , who was it who went bust ?
10 She told The European newspaper : ‘ We have not been neutrals : we have been more like accomplices . ’
11 He was three years older than Adam and though they had been at the same school , Highgate , they had not been friends then .
12 Frequently seen on the campaign trail — including Scotland , Wales and Yorkshire — he has not been part of Major 's ‘ A-team ’ for the morning press conferences .
13 Self-confidence had not been part of her education so , despite her brief period of employment at de Levantiére 's , she felt insecure and nervous when she met new people .
14 With all his theological subtlety and insight into human behaviour he accepted the common views of the time in attributing to the saints in Heaven a concern for their worldly rights which , if they had not been part of an eternal order of the universe , would have disgraced a schoolboy .
15 The pants , she said , had not been part of the deal .
16 Although evidence given in earlier hearings had suggested that on at least one occasion Ministry of the Interior " reserve funds " had been used for GAL-related activities , the trial judges in their 170-page verdict concluded that the group had not been part of " the apparatus of the state " .
17 No but if it 's like , not been part of
18 And he agreed with Mr Rogers that the kicking or stamping injuries to the body had not been life threatening .
19 Faith ‘ Our baby is without a father because he has not been man enough to face up to his responsibility , ’ she said .
20 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
21 While SWAPO 's decision to opt for English as the official language reflects a wish to avoid conflicts between different indigenous languages , relatively few people who have not been refugees know English well , and this will have to be taken into consideration in teacher training .
22 Despite its enormous restructuring problems , Big Steel has not been Japan 's greatest raiser of cash .
23 It had not been charm alone , and it certainly had not been favouritism that had taken Fergus on his upward journey .
24 They are the ones who have been long enough in the profession to have lost some of their naivety and to have mastered the art of teaching , whilst they have not been teachers long enough to have become demoralized and cynical .
25 It had not been charm alone , and it certainly had not been favouritism that had taken Fergus on his upward journey .
26 The council apparently argued that as Gloucester had not been protector at the time , any attempt on his life could not be construed as treason .
27 The council apparently argued that as Gloucester had not been protector at the time , any attempt on his life could not be construed as treason .
28 Holmes can be viewed as the grandfather of the American legal realist movement ; his statement that ‘ the life of the law has not been logic : it has been experience ’ has , for example , become one of the most celebrated legal aphorisms of recent times .
29 They 'd not been drabs either , those women .
30 What if it had not been Nicole on the phone at all ?
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