Example sentences of "[not/n't] [to-vb] them " in BNC.

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1 Although his aunts had always been kind to him , Frankie tried his best not to like them because he knew they were only pretending to be nice .
2 Those on the sidelines tried not to see them or know about them , but it was difficult .
3 As they became aware of cinema audiences the vast majority of these intellectuals tended not to see them in quite such a negative way as Chaplin .
4 Marlin had given them both a detailed description of the assailant , and instructions to let nobody up to the second floor without Ms Odell 's permission , and even then they were to accompany the visitor to the apartment door , and escort them out if his guest chose not to see them .
5 To Ruth , crouching by Gran , he seemed hugely tall ; but he gazed round like a helpless child , seeming not to see them at first .
6 Martin waved but Louise averted her face , pretending not to see them .
7 He saw no reason not to enjoy them all and he was quite generous enough to share his enjoyment with others by providing , once a year , a venue for the Show .
8 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
9 He did not trust his comrade not to kill them all in a fireball .
10 It pointed out that a prisoner might die , before the information had been extracted , if the torture was too severe : ‘ One must give them pain to make them respond quickly , to make them afraid , not to kill them , but to bring them close to death . ’
11 We decided not to kill them ; they could begin a new life on the island .
12 Look for the good in your stepgrandchildren and try not to compare them unfavourably with your natural grandchildren .
13 As the books have appeared simultaneously , it is difficult not to compare them , especially as they frequently reach different conclusions .
14 The amphiuma , from the same part of the world , still possesses all four of its limbs but they are so minuscule that you have to look very carefully if you are not to miss them .
15 The criticisms that have been levelled at the Non-Proliferation Treaty have at their base the inequality of the bargain between the major powers who have nuclear weapons and the non-nuclear powers who have accepted the undertaking not to acquire them .
16 Being new , they will not appear in the golist and the computer will not know whether or not to treat them as indexing terms .
17 ‘ Oh yes — but I 'm careful not to wear them on my sleeve ! ’
18 ‘ She has lots of hats and dresses that are n't worn out and she obviously feels it 's a pity not to wear them again , ’ he says .
19 They were in a similar position to the person coming along on a standby basis for an airline seat as against the passenger paying a full fare , and without the full rights of a standby passenger , in the sense that the decision whether or not to accommodate them in the college was entirely discretionary .
20 Nestlé Co. could have obtained an injunction restraining the sale of those tins and they required the buyers not to resell them without first removing the labels .
21 Cross-examined by John Griffith Williams QC , about why he did not stop for the children , he said that he was concerned not to hit them and instinctively moved away into the fast lane .
22 Nothing would be pleasanter than not having to make people redundant , not having to close a factory , but your job is to take the decisions when you have assessed the evidence as carefully as you can and not to shirk them .
23 ‘ Previously , for instance , where companies owned subsidiaries with different activities , they were actively encouraged not to consolidate them . ’
24 Free feed in this instance is not to attract them to our swim , for if we have chosen wisely we will already be fishing on the patrol route which they follow regardless of groundbait being present or not .
25 If charges are intended to raise money , it seems odd not to impose them for staying in hospital or visiting a GP .
26 However , and with great irony , it was the Government 's cuts which led to the virtual abandonment of the Council 's housing policy since the Council decided that whereas it was cheaper to service houses in groups , it was even cheaper and perhaps even permissible not to provide them with certain expensive services at all .
27 Not all functions , moreover , are mandatory upon local authorities ; some , like the provision of leisure centres , art galleries and playing fields are permissive ( which means the authority has a choice whether or not to provide them ) .
28 It is the device which allows us to ‘ speak the truth in love ’ ; be judicious about how we answer others in order not to offend them .
29 The Government must recognise that there needs to be a positive approach to young offenders if we are not to encourage them to grow into hardened and repetitive offenders .
30 ‘ The monks of Arghuri are permitted to eat the grapes , but not to ferment them . ’
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