Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 Mum 's anger and frustration was based , not entirely on the fact of the girl being a Gentile , but on the great expectations she had anticipated for the boy .
2 The children will not be back from their boarding school and it would have looked very odd if they had been in the same country and not together on his birthday .
3 The College 's offer was simply to provide students to undertake work experience — but not necessarily on a direct replacement at the same level .
4 When you have finished your interviews you should leave yourself time , not necessarily on the same day , to make an unhurried and carefully considered decision .
5 ‘ So I gathered , ’ I said dryly , ‘ and would you also ask which horses are running at Winnipeg and which at Vancouver , and which in Bill 's opinion is the really best horse on the train , not necessarily on form , and which has the best chance of winning either race . ’
6 not necessarily on a camcorder
7 An article will be published in the C.B News asking for assistance , not necessarily on a full time , regular basis .
8 My hon. Friend the Minister must pay attention to the point that has been made — that time limits must be set for , first , appointing an inspector and secondly , the production of the inspector 's report once the inquiry is complete , if not necessarily on the length of the inquiry .
9 She asked for any qualified teacher interested in assisting with training — not necessarily on a full time basis — but willing to sit in and observe and become involved generally — perhaps you have a special knowledge and/or interest in Music — Dance — Anatomy — Etc or would like to know more about training and the role of the trainer .
10 I think this ought to be thrown out not necessarily on the rights or wrongs of fox hunting but on a procedural thing that you 've brought about where a dictatorial attitude is brought about by the Labour party that have the right apparently to say exactly what 'll happen on someone else 's land .
11 I do get nervous , but not necessarily on first nights .
12 But Norman Lamont , the Chancellor , will insist this is normal procedure and any cuts are not necessarily on the scale of those mentioned in the guidelines .
13 on authenticity and not enough on the sheer fantasy of the story .
14 Too much on production , not enough on conservation .
15 There is too much emphasis on the tasks ( agendas ) of managing and not enough on the processes ( networks ) .
16 And they say that the camera spends too much time focusing on her taut buttocks and perfectly sculpted breasts , and not enough on proper instruction .
17 And hospital chiefs concentrated too much on specialist medicine and not enough on emergencies .
18 Of course the message had to be wrapped in a fairly light romantic story but at the time of the opening there was concern that publicity was concentrating too much on the comedy and not enough on the ‘ timeliness ’ of the film .
19 Democrats are starting to say that the Clinton plan relies too much on new taxes and not enough on spending cuts .
20 Is n't there too much emphasis on money in the community care debate and not enough on caring responsibilities ?
21 Conservatives have long held the view that there is too much emphasis on individual rights and not enough on duties , especially when they rail against the self-interested , Westernized attitudes of modern Japanese youth .
22 Many prove to be misfits , too honest for their job , or not enough on the ball to cope with its demands .
23 Non-monetary factors such as time , effort and compassion are , of course , essential too , but not enough on their own .
24 Practitioners , it is claimed , have their heads filled with jargon and are no longer adequately prepared for the ‘ real world ’ ; the ‘ contributory disciplines ’ do not contribute much ; there is too much emphasis on analysis , not enough on decisions , relevance , etc .
25 The critical dimensions of the transformational effort were starting with a vision that was at first unclear or at least insufficiently communicated , focusing too much on cost reduction and not enough on developing a new state , trying to function without adequate transition-management structures , and consciously intervening in the matrix-management issues until they became acute .
26 Consequently there has been a marked fall in recruitment since 1964 — although it is still not enough on its own to create a shortage of labour — and this is contributing to the ageing labour force .
27 Government money , channelled via local government and the NHS , or through income support benefits into the pockets of sufferers and their families , is essential for effective community care services , but it is not enough on its own .
28 You put too much attention on that and not enough on
29 Right , and this is this little bit of it , now , made them come back to us and say , well but yes , that 's not enough on its own , or that 's too much on its own , or whatever , or there is no hope , you may as well forget about this because we 've already done the study , or somebody in Japan 's already written off , whatever , but from this point in time , let us , as the sales company , get the information together as it relates to .
30 But one of his ex-offenders says the system is not enough on its own .
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