Example sentences of "[vb -s] made it " in BNC.

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1 The fining of airlines plus the fact that the nationals of many refugee-producing countries now need visas to travel to this country , has made it extremely difficult for many people wishing to apply for asylum , to reach the UK .
2 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
3 A weak exchange rate transmits inflation , and the Chancellor has made it abundantly clear his present priority is to get inflation down .
4 Mrs Thatcher has made it clear that Britain remains as adamantly opposed as ever to sanctions and has no intention of joining in new measures against South Africa .
5 The Government has made it clear that it may not use its power of veto , which protects Jaguar from takeover until the end of next year by limiting individual investors to a 15 per cent holding .
6 Kenneth Baker , the Conservative Party chairman , has made it clear that he intends mounting an attack on the Labour leader 's personal qualities .
7 Ford , however , has made it clear that it wants ultimate majority control of Jaguar — something which the company 's board , led by chairman Sir John Egan , is resisting fiercely .
8 The political re-awakening of the Pro-Choice lobby has made it electorally essential for Republicans to abandon the simplistic Pro-life slogans of the Reagan years .
9 Jean Pierre Hocke , the commissioner of the Geneva-based organisation , has made it known he is concerned about the case .
10 This has made it a little more possible to contemplate a Libertarian Ideal for television , but even more necessary to consider a Public Service Ideal for the press .
11 The 1989 policy review has made it clear that complete renationalization of privatized industries will not be a high priority for a future Labour government , that direct taxation will not be increased for those on average and slightly above average incomes , and that it is ‘ concerned ’ about law and order .
12 But he has made it his business to master the terminology of the economic debate , and applied to the problem an elegant and sophisticated technique of intellectual biography .
13 However , the Communists , who emerged for a second time as power broker despite their loss of seven seats in parliament , has made it clear that they will not collaborate with the Pasok leader whom they indicted for alleged wrongdoing during the interim left-right coalition government of Mr Tzannis Tzannetakis .
14 The rule , combined with the rule against hearsay which prevents criminal courts admitting evidence of a child 's interviews with social workers or psychiatrists , has made it impossible to prosecute many alleged child abusers .
15 Low pay has made it difficult for HMIP to recruit and keep adequately qualified staff .
16 The car has made it that way and it would be almost impossible for public transport to knit it together in the way that the railways did in the nineteenth century .
17 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
18 It is not impossible , if he fails in the Gulf , to make progress on Palestine , where the Arab uprising of the past three years has made it clear that Israel can no longer maintain a decent stewardship of the occupied territories .
19 Mr Li has made it plain that there will be no more special economic zones in the next ten years , and the praise in the communiqué for the Dengist reforms smacks of insincere ritual .
20 The past year 's thaw has made it possible for at least 35 non-governmental organisations to open up offices .
21 And it has made it clear that any attempt to organise a system of regional arms control or supervision should exclude Israel .
22 And he has made it clear that an all-German election should be held next year at the earliest , not as a quick substitute for the West German one in December .
23 Last year 's stockmarket crash has made it harder to issue equities .
24 The frequency of such bids has made it seem that stockmarket valuations are arbitrary , that bidders are stealing money from somebody else rather than creating wealth , and that American and British managers spend too much time shuffling assets and too little investing ( that is , building factories ) for the future .
25 Iran has made it plain that it would take it amiss if it were left out of any post-war security arrangements for the Gulf — but even more amiss if outsiders ( read Americans ) were to stay on .
26 This was partly because the increasing integration of world capital markets has made it easier to finance current-account deficits .
27 ‘ Similarly , the Austrian Government has made it clear that unless multi-nationals manufacture vehicles or components within the country to correct its trade deficit , then it will be obliged to take appropriate steps to close its domestic markets to their products . ’
28 The Abraham narrative has made it abundantly clear that Isaac comes out of God 's bright blue .
29 The cases decide that this exception extends to touching a person in order to attract attention , although there can be no exception when the person touched has made it clear that he or she does not wish to be touched again .
30 However , these particular instances do not meet the general proposition that if the husband and wife have drifted apart , and the woman has made it known that she no longer wants to have sex with her husband , it is wrong that the husband who has sex with her without her consent is exempt from conviction for rape .
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