Example sentences of "[vb -s] out that " in BNC.

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1 One fact stands out that in spite of " persuasion " by the British government that electors could be well advised to support power sharing , voters continued to support anti-power sharing candidates .
2 She could hear Mary Deare droning on : ‘ Her light is going faint , and if it goes out that means she is dead .
3 ‘ As soon as we start asking questions the message goes out that the British government is prepared to deal and that 's not going to happen .
4 This sort of reading is only for the dedicated follower of the history of taste , though any reader particularly interested in a picture may find within a single catalogue entry an acutely discriminating judgement or interesting facts ; for example , Tietze 's entry also points out that Manet so much admired the Tintoretto self-portrait that he made a copy of it .
5 Reading Salim 's palm , the man points out that he is ‘ faithful ’ .
6 Fretwell-Downing Data Systems head of sales Charles Mobbs frequently points out that it is not possible to buy a piece of software and a manual from him and then walk away : partnership between supplier and customer is the approach .
7 He rates their subtlety , but points out that they can be mixed only with warm sauces or , he warns , they start to lose their delicacy .
8 Tracing this back to the seventeenth century , he points out that in such times , it is ‘ always those crimes that are associated with the materially disadvantaged underclass which have provided the continuing thread within this history of respectable fears …
9 Sarsby , ( 1984 : 130–1 ) echoing Cheater , points out that ‘ anthropologists have tended to study people whose values and life-styles are different , even in their own society … [ seeking ] the unfamiliar at home as well as abroad ’ .
10 Mark Saunders ( BBC Radio ) in a personal review of design requirements for RDS car radios points out that one of the problems that RDS poses for both broadcaster and receiver manufacturer is that , with the exception of obvious features such as the display of the programme service name , an RDS receiver is not apparently different in performance , or looks , when observed in the static environment of the dealer 's showroom .
11 In an interview in the magazine Director to be published this week , Dr Runcie denies that there are ‘ tensions and suspicions ’ between Lambeth Palace and 10 Downing Street , but he points out that the Church of England is active in parts of the country where the Conservative Party has little support .
12 Mr Antonovich points out that air pollution in Los Angeles has been declining for a decade .
13 As a mother I warm to someone who observes that so many of the modern theories on childcare ‘ show utter contempt for women 's judgement ’ , and who points out that , when it comes to smacking , ‘ if we were talking about any other activity which was so widespread , people would say this was a method which was tried and tested and obviously worked .
14 David Jacobs also points out that the cost of hiring a stage-coach is now prohibitive .
15 Spicer points out that the sector has thrived in a bull market but the advertising boom may be coming to an end .
16 Ninagawa points out that his style , combining East and West , ritual and freedom , in many ways mirrors life in Japan : ‘ I get up and listen to Bach on my compact disc and have Japanese rice for breakfast . ’
17 At Barclays de Zoete Wedd , whose report on the sector is due out this week , analyst Jane Anscombe points out that there are currently some worries on the advertising revenue front , and that some television people have seen a bit of pressure .
18 The report points out that 70 million people live in the banana-shaped industrial complex which stretches from Britain to Italy .
19 Holyoak gleefully points out that architect Tony Ridell , of Chapman Taylor Partners , has , rather unfortunately , described The Galleries as ‘ a huge aircraft carrier settled on the streetscape of the city ’ .
20 O'Connor points out that demands for the game in Budapest is based on the dangerous presumption that the Republic will beat Northern Ireland — a result they have yet to achieve after three meetings .
21 Barry Gore , head of economics and business studies at Luton , points out that all business studies candidates have to undertake an extended case study .
22 Professor Rhys , of Cardiff Business School , points out that the Essex plant is in an area of low unemployment and that the same could not be said of the other big plants .
23 As a guide , Christopher Cornell of KF&R 's Cirencester office points out that a top quality red deer stag is worth around £2-3,000 , a hind about £400-500 .
24 The bureau observes that housebuilders ignore such market demands at their peril and points out that basements serve a useful ecological purpose .
25 It may seem odd that a music publishing company would want a photograph , but Doyle points out that the look of an artist may be important to develop an act 's recording career .
26 Lévy-Bruhl links rain-making with Christian practice ; writing of the aboriginal intichiuma ceremonies he points out that ‘ Nothing is more widespread than practices having as their object the cessation of drought , and the assurance of rain : ( we see this even yet in our own Rogations ) …
27 But a new note has surfaced , a note which points out that while philosophical scepticism may have nourished and stimulated the mind of Greeks trained in civic religious observances , it was not nourishing to modern minds trained on nothing at all .
28 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
29 But Haslam points out that the competitor who takes up the new technology when the patents expire does not suffer from this halo effect .
30 Laing points out that this approach generates a lot of ideas , many of which will be worthless , as happens in a brainstorming session .
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