Example sentences of "[vb -s] on the " in BNC.

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1 Just where 's he craps on the floor , you have a massive pong when that happens .
2 In the last chapter she meditates on the meaning of suffering .
3 Philip meditates on the narrative representation of action : ‘ Strange how the reality of the past comes to our mind most immediately as fiction .
4 The New Hall collection , though primarily painted works made for hanging , extends these preoccupations : Laura Godfrey-Isaacs 's ‘ Fleshy Face ’ meditates on the feminine-coded colour pink with mordant hyperbole ; Judith Cowan 's ‘ Skin and Blister ’ ( rhyming slang for ‘ sister ’ ) transforms a common saucepan into an authoritative sculptural form ; Maggi Hambling takes a shocking newspaper image of a Gulf woman in a chador wielding a bazooka and suffuses it again with blooming pink , the garish , violated hue of feminine cosiness .
5 Or when he meditates on The Price of Bras :
6 Farming systems research which studies the complex of decision-making by farmers as a whole system implies that the researcher spends time with the farmers rather than in the research station and adapts research needs on the spot — in the farmers ' fields — to ongoing work by the farmers .
7 There is no danger of too many coaches spoiling the broth as far as the Hong Kong RFU is concerned though : Simpkin will have all the power he needs on the playing side .
8 The Bank of England is , of course , free to respond as it chooses to any such bids or offers but , as well as being concerned to finance the government 's borrowing needs on the best possible terms , the Bank has a publicly-expressed interest in the liquidity of the gilt-edged market .
9 Use female screws on the outside , and screw covers on the interior ones
10 The blue of the main sail covers on the booms should now be added using an ultramarine blue and white mixture .
11 The scheme also provides for the installation of speed humps on the estate , seven of which will be installed in Lakeside .
12 In particular the debate focusses on the American variety of independent film , of which there have been a large number at this year 's festival , ranging from Jim Jarmusch 's annoyingly fashionable Mystery Train to Julia Cameron 's God 's Will , which cost only 31,000 dollars to make .
13 Although there have been some useful television series , most television coverage focusses on the sensational , and some major documentaries and plays have compounded the fears and misunderstandings of the public rather than alleviate them .
14 It focusses on the interaction between the criminal or deviant and those who define him/her as such .
15 Jacob 's dying blessing focusses on the distant future , when the descendants of these twelve will occupy the promised land .
16 But with the accession of Sethos I ( probably the " new king " of 1:8 ) attention once again focusses on the fertile delta region .
17 Our approach , however , focusses on the individual lexical unit as the primary operational semantic unit , and consigns the lexeme to a secondary position .
18 In summary , interactionism focusses on the process of interaction in particular contexts .
19 Most of Scott 's discussion focusses on the core of the business class .
20 Ewa Kuryluk , in her study of female creativity , Veronica and Her Cloth , focusses on the saint 's veil as a key symbol of the act of representation : she created the vera icon or true image of Christ 's face , when she wiped his face and it was miraculously printed on the cloth in blood , sweat and tears.5 The body of art is born of the body itself , and women have a special relation to the fecundity , through their ascribed — and actual — part in the reproductive cycle .
21 This project focusses on the extent to which the transferral of industrial ownership between public and private sector has been justified , ex ante and ex post , by political considerations on the one hand an economic considerations on the other .
22 This project focusses on the process of migration and the role of governmental and private agencies in shaping and implementing migration policy ; and on patterns of residence and employment amongst Afro-Caribbean immigrants , with particular reference to Paris and to the health service .
23 The study focusses on the economic and social consequences both for women themselves and the societies in which they have settled .
24 Whereas make focusses on the mere producing of an effect , get evokes something which precedes the effect — prolonged efforts in ( 170b ) , persuasion winning out over unwillingness in ( 171b ) — and so to must be used before the infinitive to represent the latter 's event as a result coming after what led up to it .
25 By asserting that " a text is interpretable to those who can , under the prevailing circumstances , build around it a text world — or scenario " ( p. 9 ) he focusses on the relationships between text and the reader 's response and the text and the world created by the text itself .
26 who can better that tomorrow I wonder … now our action round up this week focusses on the final of the village cricket knockout competition at Lords … it 's between two Central South teams …
27 With water privatization looming large , and with prosecutions against farmers for pollution continuing at an arguably pitiful level , concern naturally focusses on the future accountability of water companies to keep water courses clean .
28 ‘ I felt like Coleridge 's Ancient Mariner , who waylays on the street the wedding guests going to the feast , inflicting on them the story of his misfortune . ’
29 Here a single actor plays an imprisoned man , and performs in silence , and the scene culminates in an emotional breakdown where the prisoner beats on the door of his cell .
30 The rain beats on the window
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