Example sentences of "[vb -s] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Such a construction fits the few facts given in the early biographical sources and such facts as have emerged from the recently published documentary material in a way that the traditional account does not .
2 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
3 The former 's idealistically active audience confronts the latter 's picture of passive consumers , which is no more than an abstraction .
4 Now , everyone confronts the same challenge , and Mr Lang is looking for consensus .
5 Ltd. v. B.O.A.C. [ 1955 ] A.C. 169 , 191 , Lord Reid stated that if the arguments are fairly evenly balanced ( not that I believe they are in this case ) , that interpretation should be chosen which involves the least alteration of the existing law .
6 The social reality of language use always involves the latter , interactive process even though the participants may act ‘ as if ’ it does not .
7 Somatic hybridisation , which involves the same or different species to produce a new cell with two sets of chromosomes , is also being developed to produce new crop plants .
8 The system involves the same military satellites used in the Gulf war by the Allies to keep track of vehicle movements .
9 All in all , being an under sixteen-year-old mother has little official recognised status at all , even though this involves the same care and costs as for an older mother .
10 The change also raises important theoretical questions because reading by touch involves the same cognitive and linguistic skills as visual reading but uses a system which differs physically and in modality .
11 But this apparent escape is only another version of the dual aspect theory and inherits the latter 's problems .
12 The Pakistani today plays the former British champion Geoff Williams for a place in the main draw .
13 The shell plays the same role for a snail as the stone house does for a caddis larva .
14 ‘ Every club plays the same , banging it upfield . ’
15 You could see a band that plays the same type of music as us on TOTP but they would n't look like us …
16 This licence plays the same part in relation to seamen 's canteens as a licence granted under Part It of the Act in relation to licensed premises .
17 One of the most obvious examples of this principle of ‘ statement and change ’ is the old concerto grosso form , where the main orchestra , or ‘ tutti ’ , always plays the same musical substance , each statement being separated by the solo ‘ concertino ’ group playing something different , usually of a virtuoso character .
18 Meanwhile the left hand plays the same rhythms in the opposite order .
19 tractor plays the same gramophone record
20 Alan Byrne is a central midfield player who plays the same style of game of our recently lost friend DB .
21 ‘ Peake plays the same way before a 5,000 crowd or a 50,000 crowd .
22 Whitaker , the European champion , rides the same three horses as last year — Next Milton , Gammon and Hopscotch .
23 Rye grass is coarse and flat-leaved , and fulfils the same function in a sward as petrol-like grain spirit in cheap Scotch whisky .
24 A fountain pen in Paris fulfils the same sort of emblematic function as a car and may cost almost as much : all kinds of social and identity messages are tied up in it .
25 In Scotland the Registered Establishments ( Scotland ) Act ( 1987 ) fulfils the same function .
26 Despite his remark that ‘ The superego seems to have made a one-sided choice and to have picked out only the parents ’ strictness and severity , their prohibiting and punitive function , whereas their loving care seems not to have been taken over and maintained , ’ he states elsewhere that ‘ The superego fulfils the same function of protecting and saving that was fulfilled in earlier days by the father . ’
27 The loss of anyone close and deeply loved rouses the same feelings of anger .
28 One of the most important aspects of domestic security , yet one that receives the least attention , is that of key security .
29 The average adult spends up to 300 hours a year in the bathroom , yet surprisingly , it 's often the room that receives the least attention .
30 Use of the Maxial PoS terminal requires the modification of the installation 's central PoS software , which receives the same string of characters as that for a transaction entered through a conventional keyboard .
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