Example sentences of "[vb -s] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Zambia itself the ruling party , UNIP , took virtual control of the Times , but even before this the president had acquired the power to hire and fire its editor : a power he has used on a number of occasions .
2 I wonder if she has used with Crilly today .
3 The Department of Environment also announced yesterday that it had abandoned the system it has used for most of the past 10 years to channel extra housing cash into the 57 worst affected inner-city areas .
4 Pause for a moment and think of someone ( or more than one ) whom God has used for your own teaching , encouragement , guidance , perhaps in your youth or young adulthood or marriage , or at a crisis point in your life , or very recently .
5 ‘ Lord , what fools we mortals be ’ , are Shakespeare 's own words and it is this particular comment that Ashton has used as the keynote to the adventures in the forest .
6 Of granite , which he has used in dressings around the doors and windows , he wrote : ‘ Especial care is required to make the mouldings of a broad , bold and massive , rather than a small or delicately undercut character , and to avoid as far as possible anything like minuteness and pettiness in the finish . ’
7 Look at the image Adrienne Rich has used in her poem : that of home .
8 Rigoberta Menchu has lived in exile in Mexico for the past 11 years , yet the only weapons she has used in that time have been words .
9 It is possible to take a stretch of language which someone has used in communication and treat it as a sentence for a translation exercise , or an object for grammatical analysis .
10 The legitimate questions for a judge in his role as interpreter of the enacted law are : ‘ How has Parliament , by the words that it has used in the statute to express its intentions , defined the category of acts that are entitled to the immunity ?
11 ‘ All the money that Sheikh Osman has used in the past few weeks in his war against the Copts is money that you have given him . ’
12 7.2.2 The White Paper comments that some GPs may have to be ‘ re-educated ’ in their referral practices , if the DHA arranged a contract with a hospital other than that which the GP has used by choice .
13 The Spirit comes and takes up residence in our bodies , which he wants to use as his temple ( Cor. 6:19 ) .
14 Whichever indicator one cares to use of the roles of the government in economic life — government expenditure as a percentage of GNP , total tax revenue relative to income , the range of activities in which the government is involved as producer , the extent to which economic life is subject to some form or other of regulation — all show a similar long-term growth in periods of peacetime throughout the present century .
15 Now , by Planck 's quantum hypothesis , one can not use an arbitrarily small amount of light ; one has to use at least one quantum .
16 The RRR is the ex post return ( 5 per cent ) which each industry has to use in appraising its capital programme in entirety , taking into account non-revenue-earning items as well as direct revenue earners — this provides the guidelines for the investment programme .
17 Communication Intelligence Corp , Redwood Shores , California has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission to offer 3m shares , 2.7m of them new , to raise an indicated $10.75m , which the manufacturer of components for pen-based computers says it plans to use for working capital and its proposed joint venture in China .
18 Tony Quirke , spokesman for Southport 2000 , a group aiming to restore the town 's Victorian splendour , said the money Sefton Council plans to use for ‘ environmental art ’ would be better spent on improved security and lighting .
19 Whatever occupational gesture ( mime ) a choreographer chooses to use in ballet , it must be envisaged in terms of dance without the use of props .
20 A proxy which the holder intends to use at any meeting of creditors must be lodged with the official receiver not later than the time mentioned for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting or the adjourned meeting .
21 NK : May I ask my Right Honourable friend what club he intends to use on this hole ?
22 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
23 The tools of the programme are exactly the ones that Mr Li intends to use in the future : central-bank control of credit and state-set levels for production and prices .
24 It is up to the individual to decide the most appropriate arrangement and this should be informed by the range of strategies which he or she intends to use in the classroom .
25 So nobody gets used as guinea pig without knowing it , that certainly is true .
26 The name of every decent practice gets used from time to time to justify something indecent .
27 Observe his glasses , his mussel shells for mixing the paint , the fine pencil which he appears to use on a copper base , but most of all note his ‘ bohemian ’ air .
28 This afternoon , in his home town of Vicenza , the 22-year-old Baggio will win his sixth Italy cap when he lines up to face Algeria in a game which Italy 's manager , Azeglio Vicini , hopes to use as valuable preparation for next Wednesday 's Wembley confrontation with England .
29 ‘ A mere setting apart or selection by the seller of the goods which he expects to use in performance of the contract is not enough .
30 The question is : when does use of the term become an abuse of language ?
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