Example sentences of "[vb -s] i that " in BNC.

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1 Always fascinates me that , a little person driving a big car .
2 ‘ He frightens me that one .
3 Your eyes and your mouth show me that feelings are important to you , but your forehead shows me that common sense is your main guide in life .
4 New York cabbies are notorious for complaining but Danny , an old friend , who always seems to be around when I am ready to leave The Summit Hotel , assures me that business in one of the world 's busiest cities is worse than he had known it in more than 20 years .
5 This is the nature with which I desperately attune , knowing no other , with which I painfully harmonise , fearful always of the loss of the love which keeps me that way .
6 But looking back , you know , and now , that 's what Colin does to me , he winds me bloody up , but I ca n't help it , because he gets me that wild , I should just , I should , I mean , how can you change his temperament .
7 She scares me that woman .
8 Takes me that long to get them now .
9 My name is Lori Adams , but only my mother calls me that .
10 It is natural for mathematicians to be the first to study problem solving but it surprises me that other disciplines have been so slow .
11 A little bird tells me that Scottish & Newcastle 's private jet has been spotted in the neighbourhood of Pilsen .
12 They felt very alone — my father tells me that .
13 Rush said : ‘ Everyone tells me that was the best game they 've seen .
14 A hypothetical imperative tells me that , as a rational being , I must do such and such if I desire to obtain a certain upshot , because it is the essential means to that upshot , and he who wills the end must will the means .
15 But my clinical experience tells me that for many of you , there 's no choice — other than the possibility of celibacy — for as you 've developed , you 'll have gradually realised that your sexual orientation is homosexual and that you can no more change that than the colour of your eyes .
16 My doctor tells me that leg of his must still be hurting like the devil .
17 Letterman tells me that casting in Paris is going well .
18 While he was in the lavatory , Michael tells me that , observing the large hat reposing by the overcoat , I reverently picked it up and placed it on my head .
19 Something tells me that 's the keyword in your life . ’
20 Secondly having put up this message when I try to exit windows it tells me that 1-2-3 is still active but I can not find a way to deactivate it .
21 Their Northern Ireland president is Billy McCormick from Craigavad who tells me that membership is 200 and rising , and new recruits are always welcome .
22 I mean , my knowledge of the organisations that are there tells me that .
23 I have n't quite worked out what I sell , and I nearly blow it when John , the club 's proprietor , asks me that very question .
24 ‘ It bothers me that , as a designer , I take natural resources and turn them into something which will eventually be thrown away to become landfill .
25 Everything I read , everything I hear , everything I see informs me that doubt , disease and distress in all the subtlest malignancies of their forms have at last invaded the cropped lawn and the sleepy garden wail .
26 The bus terminus is finally reached and I choose to exit through a 4 inch square window and slide down the caked mud of the tin side , my coat brushing sufficient mud off one area that reveals an emblem which informs me that " Glasgow Flourishes " !
27 The newcomer noticed it , declared , ‘ I like hot steam ; it gives me that real sauna feeling ’ , squeezed herself between two naked bodies and at once began to talk about yesterday 's television talk show featuring a famous biologist who had just published his memoirs .
28 It saddens me that , while most annual reports say ‘ … we will do our utmost to preserve our most important asset : the skills contained in our workforce ’ , when I visit the workplace I see the tell-tale signs of accidents in the making — blocked exits , unguarded machines , untrained work people .
29 It 's like a speck of dust drifts down and goes into my eye and I look up to see where it came from and I 'm hit by this tonne of bricks ; it hits me that hard .
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