Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Winchester 's position is , and has been since they first saw the copy notice , that the allegations in it were unfounded and that some or all of the factual material on which the allegations were based was inaccurate .
2 SINCE Indian independence in 1947 , the main question before Indian voters has been whether they were for or against the Nehru-Gandhi family .
3 The doubt has been whether Cuba could sell its products in hard-currency markets without subjecting them to years of tests .
4 For many UK multinationals , the question has been whether intangibles have been properly exploited to produce UK taxable income ( and thereby mop up ACT ) .
5 For the groups and associations promoting themselves as school subjects , and irresistibly drawn to claiming ‘ academic status ’ , a central criterion has been whether the subjects ' content could be tested by written examinations for an ‘ able ’ clientele .
6 Consequently , another aspect of the debate about corporation has been whether a particular country should or should not be given this label .
7 is in contrast to the behaviour of income distribution , where inequity has been but little reduced during the same periods , and which shows extreme relative rigidity and concentration in comparison with the greater equalizing capacity of the educational system .
8 Since then she has been but rarely seen here and so it is a special treat to have works on paper by her ( from the 1950s ) at Nicole Klagsbrun ( until 17 April ) .
9 Outside the courts , however , Pontius Pilate has been but one of many who have claimed , more or less sincerely , not to know what truth is .
10 Sixty seven of the pleadings bundle which are the further and better particulars this year and you can see that er looking back to page sixty six , what the plaintiffs have been asked to state was to give particulars of the change in financial position which had been outlined to Mr on the telephone and er your Lordship will see first of all that in answer eighty little A , there is a reference to er a letter of the twenty seventh of February nineteen ninety two which was a letter from the plaintiff 's solicitors to the defendant 's solicitors which , this is been incorporating in the front or ought to be in the bible , erm I do n't think it has been but there are copies if I can hand your Lordship it was missed out in error I am sorry .
11 And for those whose familiarity with the Irish composer John Field has been but a brief bumble through the simpler of his nocturnes , to hear O'Conor 's enthusiasm is to experience some of the ripple of Field 's remarkable melodic flow .
12 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
13 The result of all this has been that proponents in the press of the fashionable pro-government doctrine of ‘ new realism ’ have somehow found themselves spending most of their time constructing and then reporting on a fantasy world .
14 His hope has been that better use of woodlands will give the trees greater value , and so farmers and landowners will have an economic reason for managing their woods .
15 The British line has been that there is a huge difference between the image of Britain accepted in South Africa and the reality .
16 ‘ The mood of this conference has been that there is a light at the end of the 10-year tunnel — we are a party again . ’
17 The Government 's official position , dictated by the Prime Minister , has been that Britain will join the ERM when ‘ the time is ripe ’ .
18 The traditional ‘ trade-off ’ for the secure tenure of senior British civil servants has been that they are anonymous and politically impartial .
19 In recent years there has been considerable discussion of the role of the Sovereign in the eventuality of a hung Parliament , such as that of 1929–31 , and the general conclusion has been that her role is essentially a passive one .
20 I suppose one of the key factors of my whole industrial career has been that if an opportunity comes up , I grab it .
21 Right from the early 1960s the attitude of local authorities and housing departments has been that ‘ ghettos ’ must be avoided at all costs , and even a handful of Asian families can make an area into a ghetto .
22 The lesson since Bismarck has been that France can not compete politically , militarily or economically with a united Germany .
23 In the past , whenever he has erred on the side of too much order , the judgment inside the Soviet Union and outside has been that ‘ Gorbachev is as good as we 'll get ’ .
24 One persistent idea has been that the two main moderate right-wing parties , the Rassemblement pour la République and the Union pour la Démocratie Française , must get together if they are to have any chance of regaining power .
25 Japan 's stance over what it calls its Northern Territories has been that there can be no peace treaty between the two countries until all four of the islands ( Etorofu , Kunashiri , Shikotan and Habomai ) are returned .
26 A side effect of the Act , however , has been that many owners of leasehold property no longer regard such investments as sound and they have voluntarily negotiated the sale of freeholds even where the property concerned did not fall within the provisions of the 1967 Act .
27 The significant feature of privatization has been that the transformation has usually been carried out by broadly the same teams that had worked under nationalization .
28 The result has been that the minority Free Democrats ( FDP ) , with only 79 seats in the Bundestag , can maintain their grip on the balance of power for decades .
29 She said : ‘ The strength of my country in recent years has been that we have had no coalition , just clear leadership , a clear majority and clear decisions .
30 He 's always been surrounded by people who think everything else he does is marvellous , but one of the points of our relationship has been that I 've always criticised his work , and for me those double portraits of the Seventies came perilously close to Photo-Realism . ’
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