Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sayeth the protector — and pray God he may be a protector ! — that the king doth lack a playfellow ? ’
2 One description of the typical witch declares as highly suspect ‘ women which be commonly old , lame , blear-eied , pale , fowle and full of wrinkles ; poore , sullen , superstitious , and papists ; or such as knowe no religion : in whose drousie minds the divell doth goten a fine seat ’ .
3 ( 58 ) Mrs Thatcher realizes that there is a great deal to be done before she dares launch an all-out offensive in the House of Commons .
4 And sowre ale , and dead ale , and ale the while doth stand a tylte is good for no man .
5 All this helps make a good impression on the customer .
6 Lets make a baby
7 But one side branch shoots up very high and lets fall an avalanche of dark green pine needles .
8 The increasing internationalization of Chlor-Chemicals , both in marketing and production also helps provide a buffer against economic uncertainties .
9 The committee said that the government should examine copyright law , which restricts the import of cheaper CDs from abroad , to see whether it helps sustain a ‘ complex monopoly ’ in Britain 's £1.2 billion music industry .
10 The recompense is meagre , but when combined with ideological enthusiasm it helps sustain a new type of local politician .
11 Conversely , on the materialist model it is much more homophobia itself , as an aspect of the construction of homosexuality and independently of the question of the actual subjective repression of desire , which helps secure a coerced identity and social organization ; homophobia enforces the heterosexual norm by policing its boundaries : ‘ Homophobia is only incidentally directed against homosexuals — its more common use is against the 49% of the population which is male …
12 Clearly the maintenance of discipline within a school is in all pupils ' best interests if it helps produce an environment conducive to learning , and it seems appropriate to leave with teachers the decision of how to achieve that objective , acting on the guidance provided by HMI , the Elton Report and so on .
13 It has taken present-day governments some time to understand that a universal benefit is a bulwark against the disincentive effects of a largely means-tested system , and that , given that the benefit is paid irrespective of whether the household head is in or out of work but is nevertheless deducted from supplementary benefit , it helps maintain a difference between income in paid work and income on the dole .
14 Ok , lets get a few things cleared up straight away .
15 This statement of the legal base has always been important to the European Court , because it helps situate a measure in its legislative context and is thus a valuable aid to the schematic method of interpretation .
16 However , the strippings and restorations are recorded in dated pencilled notes on stocks or in butt-traps which helps recreate a gun 's personal history .
17 These are n't in the same league as the gas variety when it comes to providing ‘ real ’ flames , but there 's a wide variety available , and they can just add that cosy finishing touch which helps turn a house into a home .
18 But doth suffer a sea-change
19 Which do betray , doth wear an angel 's face ,
20 The gentleman does prefer a blond !
21 Thus the first part of the prediction which Barro set out to test appears to be confirmed by these results — unpredictable monetary growth does affect a real variable in the way suggested .
22 Where there does exist a genuine public expression of concern about the way the police operate this can not just be dismissed as a matter of misunderstanding or be written off as the foolish ramblings of that police ‘ folk devil ’ the ‘ loony left ’ , who would dismantle the system for their own political ends .
23 A second group of statements has the distinction that their truth-values do not depend on whether there does exist a thing called for by a contained referring expression .
24 This can be claimed for romantic and romance , but is not appropriate in the case of arable farmer , nor of foreign policy or animate nouns from ( 7 ) , nor of new in ( 17 ) nor naked in ( 18 ) ; and it would clearly not apply for nuclear scientist either ; while there does exist a noun nucleus , which is certainly the etymological origin of the adjective , the scientist is , synchronically and in the usage of the ordinary speaker , to be connected with the indefinite notion of nuclear matters ( where , for example , Latin would have used the neuter plural of an adjective ) rather than directly with nucleus ; one may reasonably guess that many speakers to whom the word nucleus is quite unfamiliar would nevertheless feel they understood quite satisfactorily a headline which read : TOP NUCLEAR SCIENTIST GOES MISSING !
25 Barker 's drama does deliver a message even simpler than his point about the importance of the national soul .
26 Tolerance does not blind a man to the imperfections or faults of a religion , nor does it blur the distinction between religion and irreligion , but it does deliver a man from fanaticism with regard to his own faith .
27 In few cases a dispersal agent does deliver a seed directly to such a target other than by chance .
28 ‘ He does eat a great deal of fish ? ’ said Flavia .
29 Nevertheless , the story did have a happy ending and it does emphasize an important point .
30 When he does want a pause , Charpentier gives very specific instructions such as ‘ Suivez apres une petite pause ’ ( ‘ Continue after a brief pause ’ ) .
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