Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 What was clearly stated was that the police have now powers as such to ban an event , unless it can be shown to be a public nuisance , and that they have no desire to fall out with all the local charities .
2 Would the average person , who never thinks about such things and is unfit and unsteady , have survived ?
3 Then , only two months ago , Peter Brooke himself announced that they were to have no purchase grants as such , but that these were now merged with the vote which pays for running expenses .
4 Together with capital grants for such temporary woodland fencing ( which could also benefit from some publicity ) there is no significant financial disincentive for a farmer in fencing and regenerating on-farm broadleaved woodland .
5 The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow goes for such audience participation in a big way .
6 Well it 's a verb phrase so erm they just , all that means is if you take a subject expression and well , what goes , what goes after such expression is a verb phrase , that my opinion not just you know .
7 ‘ Garbage wrapped in silk is still garbage and stinks as such , my friend .
8 Most of their important critical texts , Edwards remarks , are theoretical , in that they prompt fundamental reflections about the basic nature of writing , even if , ‘ One notices about such writing that it does not necessarily offer itself as theory , that it is directed towards what we now call literature and not towards something else . ’
9 Keith lives for such moments .
10 His argument , if it counts as such , is a dogmatic admission of defeat , unsupported by quantitative evidence .
11 But again , schooled by the incorrect idea that it is the carbohydrate foods which are the most fattening , many people will very much underestimate the number of calories in the butter-based sauce on their slice of fish , which looks like such an innocent dish .
12 And here the manuscript fragment ends , so we ca n't tell how much work lies behind such simple touches as Stepan 's fear that ‘ they ’ will flog him .
13 Whatever lies behind such a startling transformation in Quebecois mores could hardly fail to create a disoriented generation hungry for new certitudes to replace the collapsing old ones .
14 It also lies behind such developments as the medieval conviction that a monarch could heal by the laying on of hands .
15 Failure to see the general principle that lies behind such simple , common-know edge , facts as these has often led anthropologists to write a great deal of nonsense .
16 It may possibly be , as it surely is in ( 22 ) , that , where a single entity is present to the mind of the speaker , the same speaker can not simultaneously entertain the idea of more than one referent corresponding to that entity ( though there may be certain problems for this view in the case of collective nouns such as government or congregation or quartet , for which see Chapter 8 ) ; however , it is much less obvious that , where there is assumed to be only a single referent , there should be only a single intensional entity present to the mind ; rather , it seems to us that the separation of the referential and the intensional elements is precisely what lies behind such examples as ( 23 ) ( from Searle , 1969 ) , or ( 24 ) : ( 23 ) Everest is Chomolungma ( 24 ) the sheriff did not know that he was Arthur 's brother In the latter sentence , of course , we are interested in the interpretation which has he co-referring with Arthur 's brother , and the reason that we do not find a reflexive in the final position is precisely that these two elements are distinct intensionally even though they share the same referent .
17 I think that the real way to improve the health of the capital city 's people lies with such old-fashioned concepts as full employment , decent housing and good education .
18 She could recall his hard masculine looks with such clarity of detail that she did n't think that she would have any problem in recreating the image on paper .
19 There 's no better inspiration for shrugging off slothfulness than Glen Shiel , which rewards with such a high score of tops and something worthwhile to brag about to those who spent Saturday and Sunday vacuuming the car with a cordless hoover .
20 The SGSA 1982 incorporates into such a contract terms almost identical to those applying in the sales contract ( see Chapter 5 ) .
21 Until then the diet of the wealthy was rich in spices and sugar and involved mixing fruit , both fresh and dried , with meat — a tradition which still lingers in such things as Christmas mincemeat .
22 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
23 According to the conventional thinking , what matters in such a case is the allocation of property rights .
24 However , the new Trade Union Act applying a European directive will require employers to consult with trade unions before issuing dismissal notices in such cases .
25 When the state looks upon such people as second-class , it is no wonder that racists take the same view .
26 ‘ If , God help us , the situation develops in such a way that the only service I could render my country would be to do it [ accept the presidency ] , then I would do it , ’ Mr Havel said .
27 If the economic and social structure of our community develops in such a way that in retrospect it seems a conventionalist strategy would have been more suitable , then pragmatism will already have brought the reigning pattern of adjudication very close to conventionalism .
28 The front leg then lifts into a roundhouse kick and drops in such a way that the hips are cocked for a powerful reverse punch .
29 Thirdly , it is also possible that the advances in birth control operating within the climate of an ‘ acquisitive society ’ might well have permitted couples to plan their family lives in such a way as to allow them to enjoy the consumer benefits of society .
30 According to Dr Mobius , over 75% of the world 's population lives in such countries , which currently account for only 11% of the world 's GNP and less than 5% of the capitalisation of the world equity markets .
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