Example sentences of "[vb -s] [noun pl] like " in BNC.

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1 Billy Corgan is down with the current spate of female bands ; he does n't begrudge them success and thinks groups like Babes in Toyland deserve their kudos .
2 After an interlude , the man who would be sage returns with an acoustic guitar and offers chestnuts like ‘ Passionate Friends ’ for perusal .
3 Nobody has eyes like yours . ’
4 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
5 Erm the reference on page two of erm the Conservation Officer 's er letter , Mr 's letter of the fourth of February , a reference to Policy E Six of the County Structure Plan , erm which in his expert opinion , very firmly covers sites like this one .
6 The governing body that controls Castlemorton , and which this year has been granted an exclusion order , says the ban also covers sites like British 2nCamp .
7 ‘ But Robert Quine is perfect for my stuff , because he loves bands like The Byrds , and just pop music in general .
8 A playwright is a man who writes plays like the one in your hand , only he wrote plays nearly four hundred years ago and people still go and see them being performed . ’
9 ‘ The catering industry needs things like industrial cleaners for dishwashers which are phosphate free , for instance , and if we can speak to the suppliers as an industry , rather than as individuals , we have more power of persuasion . ’
10 My Defence Manual , which contains things like maps of the island with the caches marked , likely attack routes , a summary of tactics , a list of weapons I have or might make , includes within this last category quite a few unpleasant things like trip-wires and snares set a body-length away from a concealed broken bottle sticking up in the grass , electrically detonated mines made from pipe-bombs and small nails , all buried in the sand , and a few interesting , if unlikely , secret weapons , like frisbees with razors embedded in the edge .
11 A place like this has fangs like anywhere else , given the circumstances . ’
12 If one is already in possession of schematic ( content ) knowledge about oil-bound paints and building materials , then one will already know that the former contains acids like the fatty acid in linseed oil and the other contains alkalis , that soap contains salt , and so on .
13 She has muscles like steel ropes . ’
14 For a start , Gazza needs minders like Arnold Schwarzenegger .
15 In many respects , the financial complexity of the modern game needs figures like McMurdo .
16 He argues that while the monolithic kernel maybe be sufficient for most of today 's operating system requirements , a micro-kernel incorporates things like replication and fault resilience , which standard systems software does n't embrace .
17 Maisie and Joan , who collected catkins in the woods with me ; Lucy , who was always polite and a beautiful writer ; three very naughty boys who sat in the front row and made a nuisance of themselves : every teacher has memories like these .
18 Instead , ‘ investment ’ means any asset , right , or interest falling within any paragraph in Schedule I , Part 1 ( as amended by SI 1988 No 496 ) and covers items like stocks or shares in a company , debentures , futures , options , collective investments and life insurance .
19 Instead , he drops heavy hints.Jeffrey Archer drops names like some people drop their aitches .
20 ‘ Just tell me one other person who has moods like him .
21 ‘ There 's no one that has moods like him .
22 Racing needs men like him around the place .
23 The striking double form ‘ Pleno ’ has flowers like tiny white powder puffs .
24 It covers issues like the treatment of the suspect in custody , the conditions of his or her detention , the form of interviews , the provision of rest periods , and so on .
25 Every organization has examples like this one .
26 Only England has mornings like these .
27 The bichir , in fact , not only has gills like any other fish , but a lung as well .
28 The Uganda government encourages functions like this .
29 The government says schools like Pate 's are better-off out of local authority control … but admit that the school has had it 's hands tied by the rules that say they ca n't spend more on teachers than the county council will allow.The governments proposing a review of the regulations system in 1994 but for teachers at Pate 's who 're facing redundancy and pupils a drop in educational standards this could be too long a wait .
30 He uses words like ‘ daft ’ ; phrases and dialogue that are rarely heard in songs but immediately provide flavour .
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