Example sentences of "[not/n't] [conj] can " in BNC.

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1 It may be a weak government and , although formally invested with state power , does not or can not use it .
2 If she/he does not or can not succeed in forming friendships , she/he will become very lonely indeed , no longer belonging entirely to the family , and unable to belong in any real sense to the school and the peer groups within it .
3 Where an organisation will not or can not meet its obligations , a third party creditor is likely to press its claims against the members of the organisation , despite their third party status with respect to the particular transaction .
4 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
5 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
6 The court will set aside a decision if it is taken by someone who is not or can not be appointed as the expert .
7 Then he will sometimes peradventure send a beam of ghostly light piercing this cloud of unknowing that is betwixt thee and him , and show thee some of his privity of the which man may not nor can not speak .
8 This is something for which surveys , including that of Greeley and Rossi , are not and can not be intended .
9 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
10 For Fanon this means that , despite Europe 's crimes , which will not and can not be forgotten , the Third World 's ‘ new history of Man ’ must ‘ have regard to the sometimes prodigious theses which Europe has put forward ’ since ‘ all the elements of a solution to the great problems of humanity have , at different times , existed in European thought ’ ( Wretched of the Earth , 253 — 4 ) .
11 The authorities plainly establish that he need not and can not do so .
12 Historically and theologically , of course , it is not and can never be .
13 She should not and can not be sexually active in her natal family and hence is regarded while she is there as both benign and pure .
14 This detachment does not and can not remove affect .
15 While the crop itself will be resistant to herbicides the weed competition will not and can thus be considerably reduced by a broad-spectrum herbicide .
16 Non-Christians ( if they are honest ) have to say that they do n't know how the world and life was made ; they 've got loads of ideas ( which they call ‘ theories ’ ) but they do not and can not KNOW .
17 The Kingdom is not and can not be relegated to an appendix which follows the turning of the last page of world history .
18 Whether or not my father was happy , I could not and can not tell because that has always been difficult , but I suspect from his outbursts of temper and the frequency of his migraines that he was not .
19 Task analysis has not and can not be reduced to a set of standardised procedures which the aspiring analyst could acquire in a formal training course .
20 A rose is like a dog : you do not and can not get back more than you put in and , in the same way that a dog is more rewarding than most other animals , you get more back from a rose than other flowers .
21 Although a full , detailed and accurate exposition of the law is an essential prerequisite to jurisprudential activity in the field of criminal law as in others , it is not and can not be the limit of the concerns of those who teach and study criminal law .
22 What is not and can not yet be clear , is whether this forecasted process will actually occur for the vast majority of Wirral users or whether a large endemic user population will remain in place for the foreseeable future .
23 The first is that the five senses do not and can not give us ‘ unvarnished news ’ — information independent of the concepts used to classify it .
24 However , on examination we find that the criminal process does not and can not fulfil this role .
25 With few exceptions , aquarium fish will not and can not eat plants , since healthy plants are far too tough for the fish to eat .
26 Both parties have invited this court to proceed on the basis that the validity of the appointment is not and can not be disputed or decided on this application .
27 The works in a collection like New Hall 's while they engage with some of these issues about women 's lack and absence from history , at the same time abrogate the very claim that women have not and can not command a semantic field which expresses their own meanings and tells their own stories .
28 The socialist , the feminist , or the worker who picks up a cheap print of the Memorial Sheet to Karl Liebknecht ( 1919 ) , is not prioritising the formal elements which attracted Max Lehrs as writing , ‘ It would be very regrettable if ( Kollowitz ‘ etchings ) found approval from the public merely because of their social content … = Art should not and can not serve the changing goals of parties . ’
29 One could avoid this difficulty of having to describe what we do not and can not know only if the histories satisfy the no boundary condition : they are finite in extent but have no boundaries , edges , or singularities .
30 ‘ King he is not and can not be , for King Richard was well alive when this man took the crown , and an abdication under duress is no valid abdication and can not confer a valid right .
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