Example sentences of "[not/n't] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not the all of me , I know , but it 's a part .
2 This dodge would not be completely incredible , of course , if the participants were dense or desperate enough , but in Christopher Renshaw 's production , they seem to be neither , and particularly not the latter .
3 But the delay was sufficient to postpone the encounter which both the Duke and Prince Charles — though not the latter 's generals — were seeking , though hostility to the retreating invaders was visibly growing .
4 The Court of Appeal decided that only the former and not the latter were recoverable .
5 It is possible for you to gain the former ( knowledge of Napoleon III 's rule , for instance ) and not the latter ( appreciating the various factors in his rise to power , the expansionist nature of his economic policy and the paternalism of his social policy , etc .
6 Had not the latter fought in the mining camps from which they hailed , to reduce the number of enforced religious holidays which so depleted their incomes ?
7 This was not the latter 's view : indeed , Heinemann , which held merchandising rights , was reluctant to renegotiate at all .
8 Also recommended were : the establishment of the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) to grant degrees to students in non-university establishments [ this happened the following year ] ; the raising of the status of teacher training colleges to colleges of education offering BEd degrees , and their integration into universities [ the former has happened , but not the latter ] ; the granting of university status to the ten colleges of advanced technology [ this was accepted ] , and in due course to other colleges [ this did not happen ; instead , from 1966 many of these became the new polytechnics ] ; and the establishment of special institutions for scientific and technological education and research ( SISTERS ) [ this has not been implemented ] .
9 The first two of these are also found in genuinely French versions , but not the latter two .
10 Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds .
11 The ‘ explanation ’ raises many problems , not the least being why the symptoms should depend upon whether the temperature rhythm is delayed or advanced with respect to the sleep/wake rhythm .
12 Not the least of their tasks was the disposal of the toys .
13 Not the least of these was that the
14 With a deficit of 552 and thirteen and a quarter hours left , obviously only the weather was going to save England , so there was not the least justification for the barrage of short balls that Holding and Roberts hurled at Edrich and Close .
15 Not the least of these is increased fuel consumption — the search for minimum NOx output means retarded injection timing , and that hurts efficiency .
16 She had not the least interest in the fortunes of Italy , did not care that once more liberty and unity were the watchwords , and it astonished her that Mrs Browning could seem as anxious about war as she did about her sister 's health .
17 Although he would not care to make predictions , ‘ it is not unlikely that the other side of the election , particularly in the case of Labour , we will have to take some very , very tough action indeed — not the least of which will include raising interest rates ’ .
18 Radio 3 has a whole host of problems , not the least being its actual survival .
19 Not the least of the memorable impressions of the evening is Robert Stephens 's fascinating Falstaff , a guiltily grinning fellow who brings to bear those wonderfully lugubrious vowels of his , swigging sack , emitting little laughs and sly asides .
20 STAMINA is not the least of the qualities demanded of the professional cricketer .
21 A variety of factors have combined to depress demand , not the least of them being the slump in truck sales in the U.K. — Foden and ERF are among Perkins ' customers .
22 That threat of invasion was , however , removed , in 1805 , by the great naval victory at Trafalgar , in which Horatio Nelson destroyed the French fleet at the cost of his own life , This was followed by General Arthur Wellesley — who later became the Duke of Wellington — leading British troops into the Spanish Peninsula against Napoleon , who then began to experience considerable defeats , not the least of which was his retreat from Moscow in the winter of 1812 , and the following year saw the Duke of Wellington taking the war into France culminating in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 , which brought about the final defeat of Napoleon .
23 But her very virtues carried their own faults , and not the least of them was the possibility of her being upset by matters she could not understand .
24 It is invariably used ironically by CD , cf. his essay ‘ The Noble Savage ’ ( RP ) : ‘ I have not the least belief in the Noble Savage .
25 I feel compassion for my soul that has been indelibly marked with the rubber stamp of religion and nationality and defiled by innumerable stains , not the least of them being those caused by myself — for we scourge ourselves terribly .
26 In Joan Wake 's book The Brudenells of Deene one reads that ‘ not the least of John , Duke of Montagu 's many attractive qualities was a love for animals , which led him to maintain a hospital for sick dogs at his house in Ditton Park in Buckinghamshire ’ .
27 Not the least of these is the low cost .
28 Not the least of the many surprises I got on returning home was to find that all that had changed .
29 The had not the least idea that their love was a crime in people 's eyes .
30 Being handsome , he had enjoyed only good fortune and fine adventures in his life , not the least of which included slaying the CHIMERA and defeating the AMAZONS .
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