Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Effective regional policies — not regional government — are the way forward for England .
2 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
3 At the root of my disgust is not rampant misanthropy , despite the ample evidence which can be adduced for the evils of humankind .
4 The great post-war stabilising factor in war-torn Europe was not covert intelligence but the sensible use of economic aid via the Marshall Plan .
5 But these were not covert intelligence operations .
6 Well , The Corn is Green is comedy , but it is not broad comedy .
7 On Feb. 5 at the East German round table discussions ( held also on Feb. 12 , 19 and 26 — see pp. 37108 ; 37170 for December and January discussions ) Christa Luft , the East German Economics Minister and a Deputy Prime Minister , had warned that an immediate introduction of the West German deutschmark in East Germany would not narrow wage differentials or stem the exodus of people , would result in the closure of enterprises and in job losses , and would mean the loss of currency sovereignty and the possible devaluation of savings .
8 So that 's what flat machines do , they knit , these particular Jacquard and , and that 's what the continentals were good at , it , cos they look , I mean they were far more , we 're so conservative in this country , little better now obviously we do more nowad you know we 're talking about just after the war the Italians and the French were into colour , not garish colour , subtle lovely colours .
9 Experts believe they suffer just as much on harrowing journeys , although nature has invested these animals with the capacity ( once valuable for protection from predators ) for not revealing pain or fear .
10 I met Jenkinson briefly and he seems to have plenty of practical , if not authorial experience ; there is apparently a profile of him in January 's EFL Gazette .
11 No it 's not Norman Wisdom .
12 Similarly , if you ever notice someone having a ‘ good ’ positive argument , even if they seem quite passionate , if you are allowed to listen , try and see what keeps it all on the straight and narrow and allows a beneficial and not destructive outcome to be the result .
13 They er operators have a tendency to overcrowd the profitable ones and those that are not profitable loose out altogether .
14 JH : I suppose the ideal must be that you drive headlong , for example , into the opening bars of the ‘ Hammerklavier ’ , or the opening piano cadenza of Brahms 's B flat Concerto , you convey a musical imperativeness , but not technical frailty ; that fine dividing line between suggesting the physical challenge without sounding as thought your technique is being pushed to the limits ?
15 The reason is not technical difficulty or avalanches , but the fact that the normal route involves reaching a ridge at 7,000 metres which is no less than four kilometres away from the summit pyramid .
16 What is involved is not technical competence to operate in a pre-given , professionally correct and educationally worthwhile way , but cultural competence to ‘ read ’ and ‘ pass ’ in a system with its own specific history , a system once devised and developed to meet a very particular set of social purposes .
17 They therefore include land , raw materials , machinery , buildings and tools , but not technical knowledge or the organization of the production process .
18 As well as showing the average or individual costs of community care under the Home Support Project it would clearly also be useful to show whether the project was or was not cost-effective overall ; that is , whether the costs of running the service were greater or lower than the total public expenditure saved through sustaining at home people who without the project would have been in institutions .
19 All in all , a not untypical day in Catterick , Which houses one of the largest garrisons in the Army , composed of a diverse range of units and all catered for by No 4 Region .
20 Secondary , or higher , education in that corner of Oxfordshire had enjoyed an interesting but not untypical history .
21 Mr Darby said : ‘ We calculated that , for a not untypical borrower in the region with a £100,000 mortgage and £40,000 income , Labour 's proposals would have had an effect equivalent to raising the mortgage rate by 2.5 percentage points .
22 Miss E. Lidgett , a Poor Law Guardian , provided some interesting and not untypical evidence in this regard to the Royal Commission on Divorce in 1912 .
23 A not untypical background of an early headhunter was someone who had had general management experience and had worked in one or more functional roles , and then found themselves , for the best of reasons , on the market .
24 For example , a county GRIST coordinator ( formerly a mathematics teacher ) who claimed that he knew of the Report but had not read it , made the following eloquent and not untypical statement :
25 A not untypical pattern of distortion of sensation was reported from the first documented vigil of this sort :
26 The career of Ibrahim Nanno represents a not untypical career pattern among constables in the second half of the nineteenth century .
27 As a not untypical consumer of financial services , I was annoyed in two ways .
28 It 's Saturday it was it 's not bloody arrangement .
29 ‘ It 's not bloody Midsummer night , ’ she roared at him .
30 Not bloody steak and kidney pudding again ! ’
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