Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The preceding decades has not witnessed governments unresponsive to electoral expectations and the nation 's problems .
2 Early in the year , SCS could report a record quarter for increases in sales , capital and membership , reflecting a picture of growth over the year that did not dispel fears of the adverse influence of political involvement on trade .
3 The dismissal of the Foreign Minister Argaña in July for publicly stating that the ruling Colorado Party would never give up power [ see p. 37651 ] did not dispel fears that the government 's undertaking to hold free elections in 1993 would be broken by his " stronista " ( Stroessnorist ) wing of the Colorado Party .
4 This did not dispel rumours , however , that the resignation was part of an effort to clean up the image of the justice system .
5 A lot of Tories wanted John Patten out of education , but even tough leaders do not sack ministers in mid-crisis .
6 But Eddie Richardson , branch secretary of Nupe , was concerned operation lists had fallen because patients were not seeing consultants .
7 motorist admits to not seeing boy who came from opposite pavement but accepted that motorist had only limited opportunity for seeing him .
8 Not seeing Jane , however , was no cause for regret ; she had none of the kindly qualities of her husband .
9 In the Game of Life not seeing things as they are is like not seeing the ball clearly when playing tennis , or not knowing where the white lines are .
10 The other is that humans are very good at not seeing things they know are n't there .
11 No , you 're not seeing things .
12 Faith is out of focus , not seeing God as he is , and temptation to doubt is inevitable .
13 And she will do anything to avoid another royal scandal — even if it means not seeing Charles while speculation persists .
14 John is apparently ‘ not seeing Hazers ’ any more .
15 Not seeing Fen for weeks or seeing him and knowing the futility of it all .
16 Leith asked promptly , sometimes not seeing Rosemary for days , but missing her now she was n't around .
17 Whatever the strength of Rosemary 's convictions about not seeing Travis again , however , see him she did — never by prior arrangement , though , and never in her own flat .
18 ‘ I 'm not seeing Travis tonight , if that 's what you 're asking , ’ she told him coolly .
19 Regret not seeing Prague though she might , perhaps , she began to wonder whether it was time she returned to England .
20 But his mother was disappointed at not seeing Tess .
21 ‘ You had a great loss in not seeing Coleridge , ’ she wrote to a friend at the end of June .
22 As far as he was concerned , homosexuality did not exist north of Hampstead ( or perhaps south of it , either ) and despite the fact that its local manifestation was sitting in front of him he would not be convinced .
23 If the vulnerable organic layers did not exist teeth would not rot so easily but then they would be brittle and would probably break early in life .
24 Because numerous theoretical approaches to visual word-recognition postulate horizontal interconnections between detectors evidence suggesting that such interconnections do not exist serves a vital function in adjudicating between theories .
25 The details of the story of this major theory change , a change that took place over one and a half centuries , do not lend support to the methodologies advocated by the inductivists and falsificationists , and indicate a need for a different , more complexly structured account of science and its growth .
26 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
27 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
28 I still have not forgiven Jack or the IAC .
29 I could not swallow pills until I realised that it was a psychological problem ( ’ Sticky pills ’ ) Monitor , 13 January , p 88 ) .
30 This is not to evade questions of strategy and tactics , merely to place them in an appropriate context .
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