Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can not insulate a man …
2 The thought of it filled her with an immense regret because a child could not stay a child there would be men ( a man she hoped ) in Nicandra 's life , Aunt Tossie thought with pity and some disgust — her mind scampered hurriedly from the contemplation of a subject not forbidden so much as not existing for her .
3 Will you not stay a little while , Miss Abbott ?
4 The authorities tend to show that if a test is bodily invasive and/or unpleasant or dangerous then the court will not stay an action until the plaintiff submits him or herself to the test .
5 Some will give the personal aspects the highest priority because of accumulated experience which shows that a client who is not emotionally ready for the severe belt-tightening and discipline involved in emerging from serious debt , will not stay the course .
6 I was working for a yarn firm who had just gone into the marketing of coned yarns — unfortunately they did not stay the course .
7 He can not stay the distance and his breathing is now difficult . ’
8 People did not stay the same .
9 Garrison Savannah who almost won the National two years ago appears to have returned to his old form if you take his Gold Cup run on board for he was always in touch before blundering and losing his chance late in the race , but he may not stay the trip as happened two years ago when he was beaten by Seagram .
10 Certainly he did not stay the full course which was seven years for the qualification of a Master 's degree , the necessary precondition for further study of law , theology and medicine .
11 The trio kept the 3.5 litre Peugeot 905 ahead f or most of the rain-hit race to delight the flag-waving local and British fans and confound the critics who predicted the car could not stay the distance .
12 The voice , so accustomed to obedience , continued in courtesy , but its ring of conviction was sharpening , and Miranda sensed that Anthony Everard had reached the point when , if he could not phrase a command as a request , he would assert his authority undisguised .
13 Like most of the nomes who had been born in the Store he hated looking up and not seeing a ceiling .
14 Perhaps it was also relief at not seeing a flood of overpriced Japanese owned art back on the market , or the sense that the cloud of economic recession might be lifting .
15 " I 'm not seeing a girl , " Patrick insisted with a grin , his sister was as eager to see him married off as his mother was against the idea .
16 He made detailed admissions and at the end was asked whether not seeing a solicitor had made any difference , He said not , but would like to see a solicitor , and refused to sign the notes of interview until he had done so .
17 Isabel walked over to the window and stared out , not seeing a thing .
18 Not seeing the significance at the time of the two articles , or of the prong ( pitchfork ) and shovel that followed them , the two boys finished their frugal breakfast and set out upon their chores .
19 What makes a fanatic is not having strong and extreme ideals oneself but taking no notice of other people 's — not seeing the considerations that other people are concerned about .
20 ‘ I always had the impression ’ , said one , ‘ that we were not seeing the best of Harold Wilson in that period .
21 In the Game of Life not seeing things as they are is like not seeing the ball clearly when playing tennis , or not knowing where the white lines are .
22 The reliance of elderly people on walking as a mode of transport increases their exposure to risk whilst their failing faculties raise the likelihood of them not seeing the striking vehicle .
23 ‘ Not really ; it was a case of not seeing the wood for the trees .
24 He was not seeing the ball so well .
25 This produces the stress of tiring ambulance journeys , the long wait in the clinic and not seeing the same staff at each visit .
26 The footplatemen had nothing to gain by lying about the position of the distant signal when they admitted not seeing the home signal at all .
27 ‘ The political situation in FIFA , at the moment , is such that we have to be very careful of not seeing the majority move towards that idea . ’
28 THE Hitch-hiker 's Guide To Not Seeing The Galaxy Before Your Time : Do n't accept a lift in President Kennedy 's Cadillac , James Dean 's Porsche , Mark Thatcher 's Land-Rover .
29 She had n't been reading at all but had been glancing out of the window not seeing the gracious gardens that surrounded Summer Lodge , but planning ways to help Craig when he came to her .
30 While chairman and chief executive , Peter Bonfield , said he is still ‘ not seeing the wide green shoots ’ of recovery , he does expect ICL to stay in the black during the coming year .
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