Example sentences of "[adv prt] here that " in BNC.

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1 In a year or two he should have a decent sized flock — of course he 's not normally down here this early , he only has a bit of a stable down here that he rents for the summer along with his few acres of grass and his bit of land for cultivation .
2 For example , we have some little children down here that nobody is taking care of .
3 erm you know , I put down here that you 're a natural ,
4 I 'm so damned tired after the drive down here that I doubt I 'll have the energy for anything more than sleep . ’
5 See if there 's something down here that you could read we could play schools this afternoon .
6 I was thinking when Daniel was down here that erm Paul you know and all his girlfriends , various girlfriends , for a long time now and I said something to Daniel well you know are you sort of courting yet ?
7 It 's good for a direct amp-type sound ; I ca n't crank an amplifier up here that loud , so to get a good sound I might as well put it straight into the desk . ’
8 Within the massiveness of the Science Museum , the Aeronautical Gallery can be found on the top floor and it was up here that the careful replanning and reshaping of the exhibits and display space took place .
9 It 's vitally important that when you 're doing it I 'll do it up here that you have the dots , you have the spacing , you have the correct number of lines underneath , you have the accidentals , you have the accents , you have the phrase mark and so on .
10 ‘ As a matter of fact it was while I was crossing one of the canals on my way back here that I happened to catch sight of you and your friend .
11 Perhaps I should point out here that there 's a distinction between the before and the after of an election .
12 Before we go any further , it is important to point out here that it would be far too ambitious ( and potentially risky ) for the lay person and , indeed , the average aromatherapist , to attempt treating serious disorders with essential oils .
13 It is worth pointing out here that sewage sludge deposited on land is treated as industrial waste , except :
14 With the recent review of the Carlton combo it seems to many of us out here that you 've started to wake up .
15 It is sufficient to point out here that the ‘ archaic heritage ’ of mankind enters Freud 's discussion of the super-ego , for he seemed to think that there was an element of this phylogenetic archaic heritage in the id .
16 It perhaps ought to be pointed out here that an odd sentence is not necessarily meaningless , or incapable of conveying a message ; nor is it the case that such sentences never occur naturally .
17 Two reforms are singled out here that will help begin the process of reshaping the welfare state to fulfil both of these objectives .
18 It is important to point out here that considerable attention has been paid both to errors made by normal speakers and errors made by speakers who have a particular acquired disorder of spoken language .
19 Personally I think it should be restricted to about four weeks and get more exhibitions in there for wider variety and also there 's a number of er travelling exhibitions around the country that come down North er from up North down to the South to show around here that you can book these any time you want er I talked to somebody organised an exhibition in London and they are quite willing to come to Harlow you book us and we have nothing like this at all .
20 I 'd better warn you , they 've a bush telegraph around here that works faster than the speed of light . ’
21 There was some people round here that were selling gear that were n't smack'eads and they 'd do you a lay on without any rings or surety or nothing and you 'd say , well , ‘ Lay us on half a gram and I 'll sell it , like ’ , and they 'd say , ‘ Alright ’ , and then you 'd go back a coupla days later and say , ‘ Look .
22 " I wanted to keep it because I did n't want to leave him while I went out to use the phone — assuming there 's one round here that works , which I doubt , " she said .
23 " I got fed up of seeing people 1 knew getting dressed up and going to pubs or discos , because I could n't and I did n't know what the latest was — and round here that matters a lot , " said a nineteen-year-old Wigan woman with a child .
24 I want you to know round here that if anyone 's taking pictures , you better ask George Felix before . ’
25 I mean there 's not many , probably not many families round here that could say that .
26 definitely trying to avoid my eyes now there 's a few eyes round here that look more like route maps of the M twenty five !
27 I went to bed Friday night and my head was like a cor that was really , all round here that was really sort of hurting .
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