Example sentences of "[adv prt] about [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know I keep on about Mrs Kemp , sir , but do n't you think we ought — ’
2 Just picking up on Professor Lock 's point earlier on about changes in the nineteen eighties or since the nineteen eighties , erm as in my statement I have suggested that there has been a substantial loss of nature conservation interest and wild life habitats both in this county and throughout the country .
3 Cos they 're always on about credit allowances and this that and therefore
4 He went on about mum .
5 Basically the same poeple who wank on about Man Utd all the time being the biggest and best at everything — biggest Stadium ( aka sewer ) , biggest world support ( but where were they in the 1991–1992 season ? ) , best youth team ( I do n't think ) .
6 There is a general section in the middle which probably goes into all such official club magazines — it craps on about Man U and Gazza a lot .
7 Oh I was on about sewing cos I said I 'd let them , you know , they were all doing a bit of sewing the other weekend , they all had a go like erm ooh , you know , I was saying he that Scott can cook and that , you know , we 've had a note he 's having one on , supposed to be all all of them to be independent , you know ?
8 Who told them to start drivelling on about happiness ?
9 ‘ I 've been moaning on about Perdita all evening , but at least she 's alive , whereas Will … ’
10 They go mad when we start going on about JFK .
11 We saved them , they were on about cameras and that and then we found out inserts inside it that you got it with that did n't you ?
12 You on about Emma here ?
13 Cos they were on about Emma .
14 Honestly , Ethel , she sounded really mad , wittering on about beetles up her pyjama leg and suchlike .
15 No more listening to Charlie wittering on about architecture and the environment and bringing home his latest plant pals for her to talk to .
16 You were gabbling on about lizards and turtles and Australia and whales .
17 But Puddephat goes on about hermeneutics and ontology , and the master pretends he understands .
18 You are lost in a strange country , among a lot of incomprehensible wogs going on about Twenty-fourthers and God knows what , and you are probably scared stiff ! ’
19 The hon. Gentleman goes on about conspiracies against the working class , but I gather that in his constituency the working class conspired against him .
20 His father was a German-Jewish refugee and his mother Welsh , but Wartberg was an aggressive anglophile , given to wearing tweed suits and blathering on about flower growing , law and order , the decline of British standards ( he had just obtained one for his best-selling valve ) , the prohibitive business rate and so on .
21 For the rest of the journey Maria prattled on about Bradford , but Ruth did not hear a word .
22 Ooh can I just mention while we 're while we 're on about tables , well we 're not really on about it , but can I just mention it .
23 All the time , she had been half listening and even replying to Gazzer as he chatted on about Simon , the police , and Bella .
24 So , I do get a bit ac , I mean , th there 's , there 's one young girl in the class and , we were on about women 's role in society and going on about third world woman , but even western woman have their position , you know , she does the housework
25 We 're on about taxation this week , well the- they 're in trouble over that now .
26 She 's always on about Alison like , I 'm sure she fucking does n't charge them for drinks .
27 I could 'ear 'er voice goin' on about somefink or the ovver .
28 Hunter was on about Deane not getting away from his marker enough , from corners and stuff he just sits and gets marked instead of moving out to the far post .
29 He drones on about deception and intent to defraud and the imposing of penalties , and I 'm watching dumb like a picture on the wall .
30 Early morning 's not my best time , specially when I 've spent half the night dreaming terrible dreams and the other half listening to some loon droning on about turtles in Japan — but it was great dawdling along by the river .
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