Example sentences of "[adv prt] a way " in BNC.

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1 I think , she said if you dig down a way it 's dry
2 The flexible winding of the organ allows the music to sing and breathe in a way that it is not possible with conventional bellows , and Schrader 's performances , like the instrument , are bold and bracing .
3 Better decisions result when the task and maintenance leadership roles are filled in a way that leads to coordination , thus overcoming the slowness , tangential discussion , loss of focus and other inefficiencies of groups .
4 Scientists click over a way to save dolphins
5 After a quarter of a century , the old village is much the same … but for some the development killed off a way of life .
6 Once the Tunnel opens — or maybe just before it does and before the French realize what 's going on and think up a way to stop it — he 'll sell them for maybe a thousand times what he 's paying for them now . ’
7 One German dog breeder worked out a way to have his cake and eat it .
8 It is perhaps because of an effort to buck the trend towards an insufferable and market-conscious cleverness that we are witnessing an attempt amongst more committed narrators to seek out a way of dealing directly with the emotions , without all the paraphernalia of intrigue and description that has accumulated over the past few years .
9 He was almost as hostile to his own mother as he was to Elinor 's , even though the politesse observed by his family meant he had not yet worked out a way of expressing it .
10 Gurney , who scored 205 goals in his fourteen years with Sunderland , worked out a way of drawing the centre-half with him while collecting the ball from the wing then suddenly laying it back to the centre for another forward .
11 He wants to hammer out a way of relating its rather unexciting research sponsorship to the need to foster collaborative research on new ideas in European industry .
12 RESEARCHERS at Princeton University are now working on an experiment that will , later this year , try out a way of polarising atoms of some of the isotopes of hydrogen .
13 It will also give you the opportunity to get used to hearing the sound of your own voice and to work out a way of expressing clearly the points you would like to put across .
14 But here I was stuck back on the dole with a Fostex 250 , a guitar , a microphone and a drum machine , so I worked out a way of getting up to about eleven tracks on the Portastudio by constantly bouncing to and fro .
15 The clever children have worked out a way to milk the system .
16 I was sort of trying to figure out a way to weasel out of re-releasing it . ’
17 A few weeks on the job and the Santa Cruz Operation Inc 's new boss Lars Turndal is talking about trying to figure out a way to change the company 's ‘ old-fashioned distribution model ’ without rocking the boat .
18 Then work out a way that you can attain that goal over a period of time .
19 I 've worked out a way of stalling , but it wo n't hold him for ever .
20 But I can see how you might think you could gain an advantage — me having problems with the local police while you work out a way to come up smelling sweet .
21 I think I 've worked out a way of getting him away .
22 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
23 God had worked out a way which showed the futility of human manoeuvring .
24 Huy had returned to his house in order to work out a way of getting into the brothel known by the impious name of the Glory of Set — Nebamun had been right , he found that he simply could not let the whole thing drop , and now there was a friend 's death to be avenged — when the message had come for him from the palace compound .
25 My superior self was working out a way to approach and make myself known .
26 It 's one topic where he has figured out a way of linking present to past that really gets fourth-years moving .
27 He also had to keep secrets , for he knew the real shape of things : " I am surprised the ladies have not found out a way to employ women stay-makers rather than trust our sex with what should be kept as inviolably as Free-Masonry . "
28 Then , obscurely , he had thought they 'd work it through , he would recruit her , sort out a way in which they could communicate , even meet .
29 It is often possible , then , to understand and so overcome spelling errors , once you understand why you are making an error and can work out a way of reminding yourself of the correct form .
30 Erm , if you ask for what actions we could take , then we 'll have to work out a way of doing it .
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