Example sentences of "[adv prt] while [art] " in BNC.

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1 An appropriate response might be for four strong women to hold him down while a fifth administers a local anaesthetic and removes his balls .
2 We nodded , smiled and pointed down while a dual -seat jet fighter screamed off the runway in a climb that indicated that the instructor was pushing the buttons .
3 This was caused by a combination of a very strong gust and the fact that no one was keeping the nose down while the glider was being towed into wind .
4 When Yvonne joined my classes she was suffering from tense shoulders and migraines which were very frequent and so intense that all she could do was to lie down while the attacks were present .
5 The TBMs start work from a point some 45m down while the bottom of the shaft acts as a mucking basis from which slurry is pumped to the nearby Fond Pignon spoil disposal site .
6 She pulled over as far as she could into the bushes at the side of the lane and slowed down while the car , a beaten-up old Ford , passed .
7 Meanwhile my mind 's racing , or at least trying to race ; right now it feels like it 's stuck at the side of the track trying to get its legs out of its tracksuit bottoms and hopping around and falling down while the race takes place elsewhere .
8 Two army medics who were getting ready to deal with such things in the wild were also there , and they kept me laughing so much that I was wobbling up and down while the surgeon was trying to operate .
9 It is recommended that if many errors occur , the LIFESPAN Process should be shut down while the source of the errors is determined .
10 The Control key must be held down while the R or W key on the keyboard is pressed .
11 He had then been dragged behind the vehicle and held down while the man who had been sitting beside him during the journey drove the car over his legs .
12 Two days after , I sit in while an Australian journalist wearing a Wayne 's World baseball cap backwards interrogates the other two on this matter .
13 Why not get in while the going 's good ?
14 Why not join in while the going is good and take the remaining few animals or trees whatever the cost , because you will never reinherit your traditional grounds .
15 He had carefully wiped his handprints off the window as he broke in while the 76-year-old woman watched television .
16 " If your mum 's after a washer , " he advised Kate , " she 'd best move in while the sale 's on . "
17 No doubt , in his constituency office and at his surgery at this very moment , impatient constituents are waving their charters and working out the waiting time that they have to put in while the hon. Gentleman is in London delivering a good speech .
18 The Sexton 's pig had wandered in while the lock-up was not in use , and given birth to a litter of six piglets .
19 Terry has designed a PVC-covered three foot foam mat with an eight inch deep cut-out for fish to be laid in while the fishing hook is removed .
20 So this this allows you to follow them along while the camera 's shutter 's open .
21 It is not an immediately obvious choice for a dirty weekend , but the only other guests are those taking advantage of ‘ celebrate romance ’ special deals to keep the place ticking over while the weekday corporate businessmen are away .
22 On the other hand , one may keep his or her flat like a tornado just ran through while the other is a ‘ neatnick ’ .
23 The top end cuts through while the bass is not so fat as to mask the octave strings , but retains enough warmth to sound smooth and chunky on power chords .
24 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
25 Passengers were still climbing off while the second load of passengers were scrambling on .
26 So shots of the family 's arrival help to start things off while the picnic marks the middle of the day , and serves to break up what might otherwise be a too lengthy sequence of beach games .
27 ‘ And the water is cut off while the men work ? ’
28 We 've closed the road off while the boys go over the area .
29 Here , because it could be inferred that the defendant knew that the police could not drive off while the van door was still open , he was aware that he was obstructing the police , and intended therefore to do so .
30 Some district council 's elect all their councillors once every four years — others elect a third of them each year with a year off while the county council elections are held .
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