Example sentences of "[adv prt] just such " in BNC.

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1 An English writer who went into self-exile just when Pound and Lawrence did , Ford Madox Ford , had always been denied serious consideration ( as he is denied it still ) , in part for having , in No More Parades at the end of a previous war , envisaged the England he was leaving in just such manorial terms : and if the Englishman could not be forgiven , how forgive the American ?
2 The White House seemed unaware that not only were there no hostages , but that the trapped Americans were heavily-armed , elite troops trained to protect themselves in just such circumstances .
3 Celia Hooper-seated opposite him in just such a chair and situation , so that they resembled two bookends without intervening books — was suggesting that she should draw up a basic plan for the annual deanery party , which happened at Loxford Rectory after Easter , a get-together for all the priests of the deanery , eight of them , and their wives .
4 For Simeon Kokhba , it would have been perfectly natural to expect the adherents of an earlier Messiah — the rightful king dedicated to freeing his country from the Roman yoke — to aid him in just such an enterprise .
5 Yet chemists are working on just such a project and one group in Japan has managed to selectively filter copper , using light to drive it through a filtering membrane .
6 One visitor to India reported on just such an event which occurred in the Bombay presidency at the end of Victoria 's reign :
7 The relevance of this little piece of history is considerable , we are effectively going through just such an evolutionary change today .
8 An investor who gives his broker an order to sell when a stock falls to a certain figure is setting UP just such a system .
9 In a recent wardship case decided under the old law , Re H ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Sexual Abuse ) [ 1991 ] FLR 416 the Court of Appeal had to carry out just such a balancing exercise when deciding whether to make an interim care order in respect of four children alleged to be at risk of sexual abuse .
10 Last year , the head of EPA 's Carcinogen Assessment Group , Dr Roy Albert , proposed a new risk assessment system for water pollutants that revolves around just such a distinction .
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