Example sentences of "[adv prt] when they " in BNC.

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1 The inmates had rudimentary weapons for just this moment , and Fujimori backed down when they fought the troops .
2 It had been lashing down when they 'd gone in .
3 The jousting could not be started and the close combat was soon abandoned as it had become farcical , contestants falling down when they tried to wield their weapons .
4 ( So people actually do pace up and down when they 're nervous . )
5 The couple say it bore no relation to plans they had inspected and that Mr Minashi slammed the phone down when they rang .
6 ‘ It 's not easy to ask your neighbours to turn the noise down when they are the SAS . ’
7 If anything , modern games slow down when they 're run on fast PCs .
8 ‘ We used to go down to the park on Sunday afternoons , taking the children down when they were very young .
9 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
10 Most of the dogs were put down when they slowed up , but it seemed indelicate to refer to it .
11 Beginners often make the mistake of looking down when they are moving from one position to another , thus breaking the cardinal first rule of combat , which is never to take your eyes off your opponent .
12 That would do , but they should ease down when they come past , but they did n't , they never took no notice .
13 In spite of the technical run-through the day before , Madge Grimsilk 's front and back cloths kept sticking and not coming down when they should .
14 I read in one of the other papers that GG also said ( what many on this list have said before ) Cunt'anas was great when things were going well but would let you down when they were not .
15 See they ai n't got the concrete roads down to put them down when they bought the farm off Sam years later .
16 Do n't seem to slow down when they get older do they ?
17 Well this is it , they want to run up and down when they 're little , I mean , they got ta expand that energy
18 Jason 's obviously down when they 've , you know well .
19 Have to water it down when they get to him
20 Oh yeah , and his dog , yeah likes it as well yeah , they used to leave a tray out for him every night , yeah when it was closing time the dog knew every time it closed , it wo , I mean if they closed at lunchtime it would n't come down it would only come down when they closed up at night .
21 I used to have three but I lost three sheep down when they built the university , and I have n't been able to find them , so I thought that they 'd be useful to try and locate them , you know .
22 Not that United disgraced themselves in any way at all , they matched Spurs ball for ball and played some delightful football and an awful lot of courage ; they were two nil down when they pulled it back to two one , they were three one down when they pulled it back to three two .
23 Not that United disgraced themselves in any way at all , they matched Spurs ball for ball and played some delightful football and an awful lot of courage ; they were two nil down when they pulled it back to two one , they were three one down when they pulled it back to three two .
24 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
25 They should always be turned in when they are lush and green , before they flower or become woody .
26 It helps explain what they believe in when they believe that a person has authority .
27 This theory regards purring as little more than heavy breathing of the type humans sometimes indulge in when they are asleep — in other words , snoring .
28 He accepts he 's now more a mess-clearer than Messiah , saying : ‘ Clubs only call me in when they 're in a desperate situation . ’
29 It is better to go in when they are losing money than when they are making money ; then one has more muscle ’ .
30 I barged in when they both paused for breath .
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