Example sentences of "[adv prt] what she " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to set down what she was to me .
2 2 For each one write down what she thought and felt .
3 Some stairs , and then around a corner where a staff pay phone hung under a grey plastic hood on the wall , and she was looking down what she guessed had to be the dressing-room corridor .
4 I just write down what she says .
5 A BALLET lover yesterday lost her £200 damages claim over what she rated as a bad performance by superstar Rudolph Nureyev .
6 The latter makes up what she says on the spot depending on the enquiry .
7 Penny says a close friend recently asked her to sum up what she thought she 'd done for the Princess of Wales .
8 He was very still , as if he was weighing up what she 'd said .
9 I picked up what she put down .
10 ‘ I 'm going to change , ’ and went into the bedroom ; so he did n't find out what she was wearing underneath .
11 Docilely Harriet pads off and comes back and they gurgle out what she knows is the sweated labour of Singapore .
12 She left him , having found out what she wanted to know , and took her own bus home , mulling over her good idea .
13 Try to find out what she wants .
14 Instead she pointed out what she thought was happening in the session and the need for all of them to look at the problems in a constructive way .
15 You could hardly make out what she was saying .
16 But she has to be allowed to work out what she wants to do , ’ said Mr Powell .
17 And then put the phone down , and waited for us to ring back to find out what she was demanding .
18 Find out what she thinks of him .
19 It was better to work out what she believed about the events of the previous two hours before she shared it with Marlin .
20 But she is essentially faced with thinking out what she believes truth to be .
21 I must find out what she 's got , what 's going on .
22 As Creggan and Kraal continued to tell their dearest memories , night began to fall and Minch began to plan out what she would do in the limited time she felt she had left to her .
23 She had carefully thought out what she was going to say , but when , in the firelight , she looked into his dark-fringed eyes , she forgot her rehearsed words .
24 By the end , she was crying so hard they could hardly make out what she said .
25 Sylvia agreed to work the streets for him on the understanding he would find out what she wanted to know .
26 I had to figure out what she was saying .
27 There was a moment 's hesitation and then he heard Alison 's voice , filtered and distorted and too distant to make out what she was saying .
28 There was more she wanted to know , but hesitated how to ask , or better , how to find out what she needed without asking .
29 He said he did n't want her harmed until we find out what she knows about the book .
30 ‘ You ca n't have spent the day with some total stranger and not even found out what she was called . ’
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