Example sentences of "[adv prt] if you " in BNC.

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1 You can come along if you want to , Piper .
2 Get along if you can — watch a night pass in six minutes , go back to prehistory , or forward to the skies of the 1990s .
3 He 's a thief , a criminal , he nicked my bag and I had to sift through every shit-bin in Bristol till I found my dreams and found out what I ought to 've known all along if you had n't …
4 You can tag along if you want . ’
5 But at the summit there 's a fast road down if you take yourself too seriously .
6 You have a lot to lose , thought Jay , rolling a cigarette , and you know damn well you might have to , or at least turn it all upside down if you let yourself fall in love with me .
7 But the fact remained that Fatima was a drag , and would drag everyone around down if you let her .
8 They 'll just drop down if you leave 'em like that , wo n't they ? ’
9 They also have the disadvantage of being dark and prone to damp , and are seemingly tempting places to deposit litter , or worse — so do not hesitate to turn them down if you are offered any .
10 Your Upside-Down Catfish may well settle down if you include some floating plants beneath which they can hide .
11 But do n't force the food down if you are adequately satisfied with less .
12 ‘ There 's a path , ’ Carrie 's daughter said , ‘ A bit slippy and slimy , but we could go down if you like ’ .
13 That 's all down if you 're talking about jail , prison , that 's all down to the m remember I went , talking to you about the court ?
14 you 're not going to put the wrong one down if you know the right one are you ?
15 In terms of the average sailor , the masthead is also an easier configuration to control , and you do n't have to worry about the mast coming down if you fail to get the runner on immediately .
16 Well , it 's upside down if you 're right handed .
17 Think of it as being the next lot down if you like .
18 You could sit down if you want .
19 If you increase it erm then it 's , it 's slowly go bogs everything down if you like increase the resistance , you bog everything down .
20 The management team had , I 'll sit down if you do n't mind , the management team has decided that we were going to go for quality because it was a matter of survival .
21 Mind the baby , Arthur , how can Miss Abbott get down if you are to stand just there ? ’
22 Take some aspirin , and lie down if you need to .
23 You 'd best put me down if you know what 's good for you . ’
24 Well , it 's upside down if you 're right handed .
25 I mixed it up when I wrote it down If you find something in the text books looks about right and similar to that , use the text book version , I might have written it down wrong .
26 The vultures were a nuisance swooping down if you were carrying food .
27 While there are good ideas tumbling from your head , you 'll need to slow them down if you are to make any use of them .
28 Yeah I do do you know I do n't like to see brides with their hair down if you 've got long hair i
29 Write it down if you 're not sure .
30 Okay so I , what I 'd like you to do now is both write down if you had three pound sixty a week , how much would you spend on sweets , on presents , on stationery and how much would save
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