Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Palmer 's first priority is to ‘ reduce unnecessary expense ’ , and further staff cuts and scaling down of manufacturing facilities worldwide are expected .
2 During 1988 there was considerable uncertainty as to whether a slowing down of spending was taking place .
3 I think from time to time , little bits of the Government do work reasonably well , and do respond reasonably well to county council and local authority initiatives , and although I could n't pretend that a hundred and , that twenty- five thousand pounds is going to solve the unemployment problem in Wiltshire , nor indeed solve the problem being created by the run- down of defence industry , nevertheless , I think credit should be given where credit 's due .
4 Weak slowing down of depopulation
5 Strong slowing down of depopulation
6 The clearing banks keep operational balances at the Bank which are used for settling the final position at the end of the day between the Bank and the banking system , and their drawing down of money from the discount houses will be designed to keep these balances at a " target " level considered appropriate given the uncertainty of the daily cash flows to the Bank .
7 This is both convenient and desirable ; it is part of the process of the whittling down of state power and interference , a cardinal item on the Thatcherite agenda .
8 Cholesterol gall bladder stones may be initiated by precipitation of calcium salts to form a nidus , with subsequent laying down of cholesterol from its supersaturated state on this nidus .
9 France , for instance , saw a systematic administrative and judicial hunting down of incest between 1889 and 1898 , and the enactment of laws depriving defaulting parents of their paternal rights .
10 The many devices range from the gas sacs of Physalia , to the liberal laying down of fat .
11 With a little something to wash it down of course .
12 Then occasionally when we had houses broken into and so on , if it was thought that a tramp could have been responsible , it used to be a great help if we gave out nine tickets for tramps and only eight of the nine were admitted to the casual ward , then we should clamp down of course on the one who failed to turn up .
13 And the down of course .
14 and erm Marilyn will come down of course when she 's at , she 's worried as well about whether she 's going to get a job , cos er , I mean they need to have erm a second income I should think
15 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
16 The overgrazing of livestock and cutting down of brush and trees for firewood are held responsible .
17 The first part involves a slowing down of brain waves .
18 Marble can be sawn or broken up for building or burned for lime , and a great deal has certainly gone that way ; but the melting down of bronze for conversion to tools , utensils , armour , coin , is far more tempting .
19 I think a good example to use with younger people with er pe with pensions as well is that the , the er the cutting down of funding that the government is making and it 's going to be hitting like the younger people and another important thing is like with the , with the Australia issue , I mean in Australia now it 's compulsory for everybody under the age of twenty five to have a personal pension and that r and that age rise is going to , that age limit is going to rise each time because they want to abolish the State pension completely and it was only , what , what about two months ago that there was , that there was er articles in I think it was The Times about them doing a similar operation in this country , you know ?
20 With the slowing down of inflation in the mid-late 1970s , the ratio of direct to indirect taxes in total revenue began to fall .
21 the breaking down of compartmentalisation [ has allowed ] financial intermediaries to take advantage of economies of scale and scope to move towards being ‘ one stop financial supermarkets ’ with a fuller range of financial services provided in-house .
22 I see now the relentless laying down of guilt , and I feel a faint surprise that I must interpret it that way .
23 The army insisted that a viable peace agreement could only come with the laying down of LTTE arms .
24 The extraordinary stories of oddball training methods , holidays on the job , the wilful behaviour , the bringing down of star players .
25 If we pursue the doctrine of the orogeny/regression couple , then we must also expect the corollary that the wearing down of mountain ranges and the spread of continents by marginal sedimentation must lead to widespread transgressions .
26 The plight of the poor was ameliorated by the slowing down of population growth during the second half of the seventeenth century and by simultaneous improvements in agricultural production techniques and employment opportunities offered by rural industries .
27 This should give sufficient cut down of search so that word shape need only be checked on a relatively small number of words .
28 Here business was likely to have been dislocated by the arrest of the king 's secretary Oliver King on 13 June , but departments without that problem show a comparable running down of business .
29 Here business was likely to have been dislocated by the arrest of the king 's secretary Oliver King on 13 June , but departments without that problem show a comparable running down of business .
30 Only that essential easing down of training should deviate from the norm .
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