Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 Either the car engine is on or it is not .
2 Well you either put one bar on or the lot is on or it 's very dim like this is low and you ca n't see it at all .
3 It 's either broke down or it 's been an accident because there 's three cars there not just one or two .
4 When we are passive , and the ethereal medium which is the keeper of such images , not broken up by thought , is like clear glass or calm water , then there is often a glowing of colour and form upon it , and there is what may be a reflection from some earth memory connected with the place we move in or it may be we have direct vision of that memory …
5 Lacock and its presiding Angel are restful places to be in and it 's easy to feel happy there doing very little .
6 So she kept the tune trapped in and it marched up and down inside her head .
7 Ever since then , being thin has been in and it 's still here today .
8 a lovely cottage , thatched roof cottage they lived in and it had an apple tree in the front , and a pear tree down the back , and all fruit trees .
9 A straight channel was cut under the new bridge for the river to run in and it joined the original channel near the site of the old boathouse , the river 's original course having been near where the old Post Office used to stand .
10 Then the trees closed in and it became very silent .
11 Then suddenly I get a call saying , ‘ We are going on the road , ’ so I was in and it was fantastic .
12 ‘ If there are book-keeping irregularities , then he has breached the Companies Act , which is where the DTI comes in and it 's the only way we can get rid of him .
13 Then , quite suddenly , the monkey 's body clocked kicked in and it fell asleep .
14 You see , he knew if they had taken him in and it was proved he had been using her , or , as a little bird told me , he had got her ready for shipment , they would have surely sent him along the line this time , and stripped the house of all his fine pieces .
15 As I said , I did me shoulder in and it was really bad and me mam got some dikes off me gran who had arthritis and I felt great .
16 And er , we get a panel of young engineers and a panel of school teachers and they actually erm go to a school , they sit down , look at the national curriculum and decide which parts they can actually participate in and it 's been so successful at the moment , realise the trouble is we 're somewhere about five thousand , six hundred secondary schools in the U K you realise it 's a mammoth task !
17 If everything you give them that 's got protein in and it 's going to make their condition worse , what , what have you got to do ?
18 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
19 Another piece of equipment I use is my boots , my shoes , my trousers , my clever truncheon pocket , it 's a long thin pocket which I can put the truncheon in and it hides away .
20 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
21 On one occasion I had some winter clothes brought in and it did take up literally half the visit , sorting all that out , and arguing about what I could and could n't have .
22 I 'm telling you all this , and perhaps you do n't have to erm pay for any of these treatments we do gift vouchers , so if you 've got anybody who wants to buy you a gift of any sort , you could always say well , I fancy erm an eyebrow trim , or I fancy a pedicure perhaps they would like to buy you a gift voucher and then you can come in and it could be a present for you .
23 These people come in and it was alright and after a little while , it was the old old story .
24 His brother often slept in and it was just a bit more noticeable this morning .
25 The eighteenth-century Château de Remaisnil is magnificent by any standards ; it was by far the grandest home the Ashleys had yet lived in and it presented them with numerous challenges of a personal and artistic nature , not least of which was learning to speak French .
26 Wainfleet had put on his most triumphant expression as Marshall and Wickham strolled in and it was deflating to realize it was wasted .
27 it comes in and it 's very , it 's very useful .
28 Growth may be a matter of momentum : the money comes in and it is better to invest it than pay it out in taxes .
29 So it came in and it went round
30 A man used to hand it back in when the bus ran in and it was given out the next day .
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