Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
2 No lights came on where I figured the master bedroom probably was ; that comforted me a bit .
3 ‘ Before you continue , Sir John , ’ Fitzormonde spoke up , ‘ and you start speculating on where I was , all I can say is that I was in my own chamber but no one saw me there . ’
4 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
5 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
6 I 'm warm and tired and the ground 's soft , so I just lie down where I am and shut my eyes .
7 She opened her eyes , smiled down where I stood waist-deep in water still — the smile itself a quick gasp on evening air — then she was upright , running along the jetty to where Edward waited with the towels .
8 I got up , walked backwards towards the nearest dune , threw the can way high over the top of it , then came back , lay down where I 'd been sitting earlier , and closed my eyes .
9 For my own part , having a little woodland garden , this is one of the two plants which I am forever poking in where I can find a place for another .
10 You shut up and sit down or I 'll kill you all !
11 ‘ Put him down or I shoot . ’
12 The greatest relief was that I had n't called in on my way down or I would have been with them .
13 I 'd better write that down or I 'll never remember it specially with er what comes next ?
14 Each meeting ends with the moneymen all saying things like I 'm in or I want in on this or You got it or Let's do it .
15 If er if there 's owt else you want to know you can always come in come in or I 'll come and see you either way .
16 ‘ Do n't let her in or I 'll never get any lunch .
17 Can you switch the toaster off , put the pancake in or I 'll have a burnt pancake .
18 You better let me in or I 'll .
19 Then I heard a voice call me to come in so I turned the door knob and entered .
20 I just heard that Katie here was in so I came to see when she 'd be back on duty , that 's all .
21 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
22 You can put down that I 'm here under duress because your friend , Dr Kingsley , forced me to it .
23 I have just written down that I must write to him ,
24 The college has fallen into a state of such disrepair since it was closed down that I doubt if anyone could truthfully class it as that . ’
25 I suppose I could have joined in except I was on the second tier of the other stand .
26 pot it in once I 've got me boots .
27 I feel more tied down than I 've ever been before .
28 P. Oh , my worst day — get up , eat food , watch TV , sit in 'cause I 've got no money because I spent it all on Sunday , then off to work till 2am to earn more skating money .
29 " Apart from being stably slimmer in that I have managed to maintain the weight loss this time , I feel a great deal better in myself .
30 The epidural numbs you from the waist down so I could n't feel any of the contractions .
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