Example sentences of "[was/were] done was " in BNC.

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1 Stephen refers to a crime being excusable if the defendant can show as one of the requisites that what was done was done to avoid a consequence which could not otherwise have been avoided , and which , if not done , would have inflicted harm on him or on others he was bound to protect .
2 In the old days before the distracting influences of radio and television , the fixed routine of the adult inhabitants after the day 's work was done was to settle down for an evening 's knitting , a craft both men and women practised assiduously , on the outside galleries in summer and by candlelight in front of a peat fire in winter .
3 The Blue Arrow prosecution was later to accuse the defendants of conspiring to rig the market — not alleging that the late take up was illegal , but that the purpose for which it was done was unlawful .
4 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
5 ‘ What was done was done for Ireland , ’ said Dierdriu .
6 Instead , the sketch was clear only in his and the director 's minds , and what was done was to begin in the limited area , biology and geology .
7 Employees ' attitudes er were fairly stable , fairly stable and some of the work that was done was so highly skilled er that it needed a craftsman 's experience to be able to get to that stage of being able to turn a job you know , to very fine limits , or to grind an objective to absolutely no limits , or to , to assemble a job with all the skill and the know-how that had been built up over his twenty five or thirty years ' experience you know , along with his colleagues .
8 The way it was done was that if you imagine putting one card in for psychology , two cards in for research methods , one card in for psychoanalytical approaches , three cards in for memory and so on and so forth an then they were sort of drawn out and then when a topic had been picked the other cards were removed .
9 But what was done was done .
10 The way the whole thing was done was just absolutely outrageous , ’ he said .
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