Example sentences of "[was/were] made of " in BNC.

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1 But while he argues for general connections between the rites , incidentally ignoring the many repudiations of Gnosticism that were made of it by early Christian leaders , his viewpoint is much more balanced than Scobie 's . )
2 They were made of City Gent-type striped cloth and had even more violently pegged trousers .
3 Early waterwheels were made of wood , but as cast iron developed the miller made use of this new material for his machinery .
4 During the third millennium BC most axes were made of unalloyed copper and few were of arsenical copper , but by the middle of the third millennium arsenical copper gradually supplanted copper and this , in turn , was replaced by tin bronze and also some leaded tin bronze .
5 Occasionally the inner and outer cases of the same watch were made of silver of different standards .
6 From the seventeenth century onwards antiquarians recognised that the polished stone axes found at numerous sites in Britain were made of stone that was not available locally .
7 She examined little boys as if they were made of much sterner stuff than mere flesh and bone .
8 I stopped outside Quirke the Butcher 's , and noticed with surprise that all the joints of meat were made of wood .
9 It would , therefore , have been natural to suppose that genes were made of DNA .
10 A second reason for doubting that genes were made of DNA was that proteins are chemically much more interesting , and it was already known that at least some genetic abnormalities are caused by the absence of specific proteins .
11 One way of making sense of this was to suppose that genes were made of proteins , and that the DNA merely provided the string on which the protein beads were strung .
12 It did not specify what the components of the model were made of , but only their formal relationships .
13 The walls of the mill , in contrast with Ebley and most of the other large mills of the area , were made of brick .
14 Whereas in most parts of England , thatched roofs were made of locally available straw , in the lowlands , especially in East Anglia , the common reed was used — the same plant which provides a home for a whole hierarchy of warblers , moths , and bees .
15 Fifthly , regular reviews were made of outstanding warrants to see whether their continued operation was justified .
16 This complex instrument with its finely cut teeth and intricate gearing was made of brass and was smaller than the clumsy early English clocks that were made of forged iron .
17 Immediately after the first attack , the army set up a defence organisation … and early trials were made of respirators of impregnated cloth of Balaclava helmet shape .
18 The wheels were made of wood and constructed in the Road Vehicle Shop .
19 The native Britons had lived in groups of round thatched houses whose walls were made of wattle and daub — mud plastered between woven branches .
20 Roofs were made of thatch , or covered with pottery tiles which the Romans were the first to make in Britain .
21 ‘ Filmophone ’ records were made of various colours of plastic , and had low surface-noise combined with great ruggedness ; but within a short time they warped so badly that they were unplayable .
22 Tights , which Jane had to pay for herself , were made of thickish cotton and fastened with a coin each side and taped .
23 To many 19th century chemists the fact that diamonds were made of carbon had the appearance of a blank cheque .
24 The magazine included an article surmising that British ships could have been lost because , among other things , their superstructures were made of aluminium .
25 Generally , the products were made of plane/sycamore wood that had been seasoned for about 6 months .
26 In the years separating the two Great Wars women were made of sterner stuff .
27 The rebels on the bridge rapidly fell back but the troops manning the street barricades were made of sterner stuff and beat off Wills 's men , killing and wounding 76 for 42 casualties of their own .
28 The first telephone boxes were designed by Sir Giles Scott in 1935 , they were made of cast iron .
29 Forced back on a policy of self help , the RCM soon discovered that the public responded best when appeals were made of behalf of specific projects — £40 to support one boy in a course of agricultural training , say , or £60 for a year 's schooling .
30 The boxes were made of heavy green-painted panels of metal slotted and bolted together ; dismantleable .
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