Example sentences of "[was/were] too few " in BNC.

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1 The SD in the industrial town of Schweinfurt in Lower Franconia reported complaints in March 1941 from the poorer sections of the population that badges bearing a picture of the Führer could only be obtained through a sizeable contribution to Winter Aid collectors , and that there were too few to satisfy the demand .
2 But when I played it I thought that in some of the climaxes the original twenty-three strings were too few to make a full effect .
3 And since international competition in manufacturing is substantially dependent on comparable scales of production , it can be argued that , in absolute terms , by the early 1970s there were too few workers in British industry , especially in those involving advanced technology .
4 Hospitals in the eighteenth century may not have made national mortality worse ( Cherry 1980 ) , but they were too few to improve the national health .
5 remain in Japan even after the Peace Treaty , since the Japanese police were too few and their armament inadequate to maintain public order should the Communists attempt an offensive in Asia as they had already done in Europe .
6 Rooms were too few and stairs too narrow ; ceilings were too low or , on the upper floor , did not exist , so that sleepers stifled in summer and froze in winter .
7 Neither philanthropists nor speculators could solve the problem of the very poor ; there were too few philanthropists , and no speculator could make housing for the poorest pay .
8 There were too few parish priests in the countryside , too many canons , vast numbers of unbeneficed priests , and hangers-on in minor orders in the towns .
9 In 1984 primiparous women over 35 were too few for analysis .
10 Questions to which there were too few answers .
11 There were too few middle school non-respondents for a meaningful discriminant analysis .
12 Frequent prior recurrence ( p=0.464 ) , a heavy physical workload ( p=0.145 ) , and psychological stress ( p=0.062 ) were not associated with a decreased healing rate and there were too few patients at risk to allow assessment of the effect of regular NSAID intake .
13 Neutrophils , eosinophils , and basophils were too few to count and could not be analysed further .
14 In this study , there were too few patients who became menopausal during the study for valid analyses .
15 boundaries though were too few and far between …
16 There were too few witnesses , and too few clues .
17 The thaw which had so earnestly menaced France 's lifeline to Verdun became , on balance , more her ally than her foe ; it turned the pulverised earth into a glutinous quagmire that sucked off the close-fitting knee-boots of the German infantry ; the 8-ton howitzers sank up to their axles in it , and the Germans ' new motor tractors were too few and too under-powered to extract them .
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