Example sentences of "[was/were] give some " in BNC.

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1 We were given some opportunity to explore this when making three visits to police stations in West Belfast , although the data on community policing are unsatisfactory because of the limited number of these contacts and the absence of supportive observational material .
2 The key to this was that they all began life with a strong philosophical commitment to development and were given some of the new , additional staff needed in order to give life to this philosophy .
3 There were a lot of complicated lifts , and Hayden found some moments of the opening duet highly erotic ; the witches and other apparitions were given some ghoulishly eccentric movements .
4 The Slovenes were given some support from Croatia , but the majority of the republics and provinces were unwilling to return to the old system .
5 Educated Africans , he saw , would only fully accept European rule if they were given some access to the central institutions of government .
6 Giles 's proposal to make them subservient to government agents was rejected , but they were given some responsibility for supervising the work of both the regular police and the headmen , who were now designated the ‘ rural police ’ .
7 Through this facility , since ‘ base ’ might suggest the steady jobs associated with most camps behind a front line , men of 19 units were given some training in Independent Company 's skills .
8 They were given some money , and told to divide it into two accounts , one ‘ private ’ , one ‘ public ’ .
9 As an aid in their redesign , the executives were given some handouts that described a different set of behaviours .
10 Indeed , many of the homes said that the fees from supplementary benefit were so adequate that the people who came in on that ticket were given some of the best accommodation in the establishment .
11 As the camp they were given some Turkish slippers and ragged pieces of uniform to wear .
12 For the first time local Labour parties were given some sense of common identity , which had been lacking on the political wing since the disaffiliation of the ILP .
13 If , however , you do not know who this person is , or might be , it would be more helpful if we were to give some indication of why we have introduced her into the conversation .
14 Mountbatten saw Charles for what he was and liked what he saw , and for the first time the growing Prince was given some real sense of his own worth .
15 If the home was judged to be satisfactory , the prospective foster parent , or ‘ befriender ’ as the RCM preferred to call them , was given some reading matter to prepare for the day .
16 PREMIER John Major was given some Christmas cheer last night when top economists forecast economic revival in Britain next year .
17 Pat told of how , when she first started knitting , she was given some patterns .
18 Had the man who wrote the foreword been at No. 10 in those days he would doubtless have seen to it that this cricketer who displayed such honourable patriotism and high personal standards was given some decoration or other .
19 I was given some advice about you — advice which I took against my better judgement , but it seems that advice was wrong . "
20 I was patched up , had to see the doctor , was given some tablets and that was it .
21 After that , Mr Dance went away and I was given some food .
22 It was Easter when Wallis Simpson was given some ‘ awfully nice stones ’ whilst on holiday with the Prince of Wales in 1931 .
23 If the centre was given some notice of the team 's arrival , and if the team were lead by a SCOTVEC officer , then not only would the profile of subject assessment be raised but the centre could use the presence of so many SCOTVEC staff in a positive way for staff development purposes .
24 I was given some repulsive food which , by the end of the second day , I trained myself to eat .
25 The first was to give some form , and to formalise , our collaboration , and our involvement with existing industrial colleagues .
26 And there is no one single picture of English history which is absolutely right , in other words there are different interpretations of almost everything that matters in history , but what I wanted to try to do in that social history was to give some account of England 's past which was meaningful to people living in the late erm twentieth century .
27 This is a marvellous example of how the new sociological dimension was giving some films a new prestige and a new relevance and thereby gaining Hollywood new friends .
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