Example sentences of "[was/were] say to " in BNC.

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1 But if you think of it as model of whole world , as great cathedrals were said to be , or physicists ' models today ?
2 Such groups were said to be like the foreigners in the adjacent forces , for it was constantly repeated that many wanted to join us but failed because of some inadequacy .
3 Inside the embassy , conditions were said to be worse that ever , with intense pressure on sanitary facilities .
4 Police released a list of survivors : Henry Wyllie , 20 , Helen Lawrie , 48 , and Paula Gaunt , 28 , were discharged from hospital after treatment ; Dawn Howbridge , 19 , and Martin Baptie , 19 , were said to be satisfactory in hospital .
5 A TEACHER who was sacked because some of his lessons were said to be too sexually explicit has won £12,000 compensation for unfair dismissal .
6 Before it left , the UN mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .
7 Groups like the Welsh Language Society and the Free Wales Army were said to be training freedom fighters in the mountains and he was barracked everywhere he went .
8 Many of the dead were said to be members of anti-guerrilla vigilante self-defence organisations .
9 Armed soldiers were reported to be patrolling the streets of Bucharest and the capital 's students were said to be voicing solidarity with the protesters in the north of the country , in what appeared to be a menacing escalation of the crisis .
10 There was no confirmation of the claim , although there was no contact with the CBS and ABC TV correspondents , who were said to be among them .
11 Another five were said to be ‘ very poorly ’ after being transferred to a hospital specialising in infectious diseases .
12 In November 1940 , for example , ‘ personal economic worries ’ in the light of the coming second war winter were said to be widespread and to have given rise to ‘ discontented and sceptical thoughts ’ .
13 Even some members of the Party and its affiliates were said to be included .
14 Critics of the regime were reported to be openly venting their displeasure ‘ at new laws , announcements of the government about future Party buildings , the planned social legislation , school reform , etc. , ’ and pointed to ‘ the higher taxes , the restrictions on personal freedom , the ‘ threat to the Christian philosophy ’ , the promotions in the civil service almost solely on the basis of attitude and Party membership without any consideration of ability , the activity of the Gestapo , the ‘ reign of terror ’ ( Schreckensregiment ) , the ‘ corruption ’ ’ , and the mismanagement of Party hacks and bosses , and were said to be conveying their discontent and doubts ‘ to ever wider circles ’ .
15 This time , however , conservative , bourgeois , and intellectual circles were said to be voicing ‘ still carefully expressed fears about a certain legal insecurity in future ’ .
16 Many people were said to said to have lost their nerve in the ‘ catastrophe ’ and in the heat of the moment to have given voice to ‘ comments hostile to the State ’ .
17 People in Schweinfurt itself who had suffered directly from the bombing were said to be completely demoralized and had declared that they would not hold out much longer in ‘ such nerve-racking days ’ .
18 Even parts of the population known not to be well disposed towards the regime , such as workers in the northern districts of Berlin , were said to be horrified at the attack .
19 Some expressly did not want their money to go for weapons ; others were said to be so thrilled that they wanted their names on the missiles .
20 Listening to her and Ferdinando discussing the latest onslaught — Piedmontese troops were said to be sweeping south throughout the summer — Wilson could hardly believe the enthusiasm displayed .
21 The people were said to be lazy , their manner of living rustic .
22 They were wont to enter the neighbouring royal forests of Shotover , Stowood and Bernwood , and the king 's warren of Woodstock and park of Beckley , and were said to :
23 Serbian units were said to be conducting house-to-house searches last night after ordering Muslims and Croats to surrender their weapons .
24 Some big bids were said to be arriving late in the day , pointing towards further gains on Monday if Wall Street continued to hold steady .
25 Just like Americans , many Britons , with the ideological and stylistic gap between the two parties narrowing , were said to be simply ‘ bored ’ with the Tories after 13 years .
26 Followers put the decline down to worries about prospects for the drinks company 's French associate , LVMH , amid reports of sharply lower luxury good sales in Tokyo.Similar pressures were said to be responsible for the decline in Rothmans ‘ B , ’ off 10 at £10.99 .
27 Of the old people 's homes , 56 per cent were said to be run by the Council , 6 per cent by a charity and 39 per cent were private .
28 Local doctors were said to be sceptical because the water suppliers dosed the water with a large quantity of lime to prevent soluble forms of aluminium being formed as had happened at Camelford .
29 However they were said to be ‘ furious ’ that the Scottish Office , the local community health specialist and the water suppliers had reassured people that there was no risk to health .
30 In an age when décolletage mattered , her shoulders were said to be superb .
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