Example sentences of "[is] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , my conclusion is that to allow a local government authority to sue for libel would impose an added and substantial restriction upon freedom of expression which , having regard to the ability of individuals within a local authority to sue for libel , and to the ability of a local government authority to sue for malicious falsehood , or to invoke the criminal law of libel , can not be regarded as necessary in our democratic society .
2 and the other thing is that to get this kind of continuity even at one post he 's got to work with Dave for at least six months and Dave 's going in March next year so we want a A L O in post by September of this year if that 's possible .
3 It can be used to check how serious the inquiry is and to arrange a personal visit should the inquiry prove to have potential .
4 You are encouraged to question the world as it is and to ask how it might be better organized to meet individual and social needs and wants .
5 Armed with this information we must now determine how meaningful it is and to do this a clearer understanding of the factors governing the shape of the polymer is required .
6 We have a very detailed management plan on the reserve with our main aim being to maintain the habitat as it is and to ensure that any disturbance to the bird community is minimal .
7 Conran acknowledges that in the face of-City rumour it is important for a group such as his to communicate to the outside world what its overall strategy is and to spell out the logic of its master plan — something he feels Storehouse might have done to better effect prior to becoming besieged by unwelcome take-over bids .
8 ‘ The precept of dying should be part of the studies of those that live in health ; all that a sick or dying man can do is but to exercise those virtues which he before acquired . ’
9 This is because to convey all the information — whether by analogue or digital means — it must be able to flash at great speed .
10 ‘ The question is whether to stop now or go on . ’
11 The problem for any intelligence agency , East or West , is whether to take a politician at his word when he is publicly declaring a desire for greater friendship and understanding with the very same people against whom the covert operation is intended .
12 The choice facing the Government is whether to take a risk with inflation by reducing interest rates in order to get the economy out of recession , or to take no risk with inflation , await a recovery in the domestic economy ( now more likely because of a lower pound and lower interest rates ) , and a decline in German interest rates , before rejoining the ERM .
13 The problem for social policy-makers and for feminist commentators on social policy is whether to take that sexual division of labour for granted and plan neighbourhood services and housing design such that it is taken into account .
14 Among the most controversial options being considered is whether to form a union with the Roman Catholic Church .
15 A main decision is whether to settle for one fixed camera position or whether to stay mobile .
16 And in that sense the choice at this E I P is whether to use greenbelt in West Yorkshire , or non-greenbelt in North Yorkshire .
17 One of the crucial decisions , now , is whether to teach a subject discretely , or to integrate .
18 The doubt is whether to extend this to the lower house , or introduce a French-style ballot for both houses .
19 The debate among SSDs is whether to put money into prevention or care .
20 One basic decision you have to make is whether to index a card by writing at the top of the card a theme/keyword or a name of an author/title .
21 The dilemma for the voluntary sector is whether to expand their services and move to a more ‘ centre-stage ’ role in running and planning services or to remain as small , local , campaigning organizations .
22 The only problem facing Glenn Hoddle , is whether to bring back Fitzroy Simpson after suspension in place of Tom Jones .
23 The first decision to be made is whether to add and extend paths strictly from left-to-right through the utterance ; or whether to allow a middle-out strategy that extends hypotheses both to the left and to the right of some island of comparative certainty ; or whether to implement a combination of these .
24 Whether the issue is whether to buy a motor motor bike , what college or university to apply for , or what job to look for , a calm discussion of all the factors involved is far more fruitful than teenage demand met by flat parental refusal , with no real thinking on either side .
25 The first decision you 'll need to make is whether to buy a basic microwave , a model with a grill , or a combination oven that integrates the speed of a microwave with the browning and crisping of conventional heat .
26 A fundamental question to be considered when embarking on any form of business is whether to buy or rent the business premises .
27 The big decision in Brussels is whether to stay in the Lower Town ( historic and lively ) or the Upper Town ( elegant and leafy ) .
28 The matter before us is whether to recommend , whether to make representations to the A C C as shown in minute three , with the words for capital investment added at the end .
29 In the third , medical advisers have developed a management role in the family health services authority , addressed wider health strategy , and planned practice development ; pharmaceutical advisers have led in all aspects of prescribing , involving the medical adviser only when the issue is whether to prescribe rather than what to prescribe .
30 One of the decisions you have to make is whether to have the entertainer for just an entertainment slot or for the whole party .
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