Example sentences of "[is] [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 mhm And I suppose in the old days if you actually wanted to know which books were popular and which books were not used at all you had to send a librarian to painstakingly look through the shelves , perhaps , and look at the date stamps or something like that , whereas now it 's presumably just a question of pressing a few buttons and the information comes .
2 ‘ You can tell if their attitude 's right just by talking to them for a few minutes , ’ he says .
3 It is effectively just an ordinary 18-pin d.i.l. encapsulation , but with the middle six pins absent .
4 Going I it 's on just about every year , cos it 's an important part of the the chemistry .
5 It 's on just across the where , where the bridge .
6 If I do n't come up when he goes away and for the while he 's on just say he 's
7 I think it 's on just here .
8 He shows no love in his dictatorial and threatening speech in book five and we can not be expected to suppose , in our first reactions to the text , that what he is doing is altogether just .
9 May we not fall into the temptation of thinking something is right just because we can get away with it .
10 But having shown how , when it comes to flexibility and speed of response , the small firm can far outdo big business , Euravia is paradoxically just beginning to feel some of the pressures that weigh upon the latter .
11 ‘ It 's only just up the road , and besides , they take your money off you in Amsterdam . ’
12 It 's only just launched the Sigma but is already pressing Japan for more volume , and pretty soon will have the new-generation Shoguns .
13 She 's only just moved to Berlin so I do n't know much about her — these provincials …
14 ‘ That 's all very well , but Chamberlain 's only just told us on the wireless that the war 's begun . ’
15 He 's only just left this pub , and moved to Wembley , but I do n't know whereabouts , ’ the bilingual landlord had told me .
16 But he 's only just over a week , remember .
17 I 'd say go , even if it 's only just the once .
18 He 's only just down the road , but this is a face-to-face matter , I 'm afraid . ’
19 She 's only just changed me back . ’
20 ‘ But darling , she 's only just eighteen , ’ Nora said to Louise , ‘ and she 's not trained for anything .
21 After all , she 's only just heard of it herself . ’
22 We 've heard about object-oriented technology for 20 years , but it 's only just now beginning to take hold .
23 It 's only just after the one world week thing .
24 You 're never going to make me sound like a human being , because people like to think I 'm Dracula 's mother but I did have a rotten time at the start and it 's only just getting better .
25 " But she 's only just met me . "
26 It 's only just dawning .
27 as has been mentioned , which has been something that often has been composed by women and transmitted by women , and there 's recently been an anthology published of Scottish womens poetry , I think that 's a tradition and is perhaps related to second point , the fact that the material 's only just becoming available to us .
28 It 's only just dawned on me now how he 's got to that .
29 ‘ She 's always telephoning her , even if she 's only just left the house . ’
30 Now also , knowing that there 's only just over five hundred or just six hundred members of the Liberal Democrats , in the eight constituencies that comprise our Euro constituency , there will be many benefits that can come off a Euro campaign in terms of membership , in terms of helpers , in in terms of morale and generally raising our profile , just through press contacts and things like that .
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