Example sentences of "[vb infin] to have your " in BNC.

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1 You will need to have your stake ready well before planting begins because it will have to be prepared properly if it is not to be a waste of time .
2 If you live in the UK , you can choose to have your pension paid either by credit transfer or in order book form .
3 In these instances you may choose to have your dinner at the Euro Disneyland Theme Park before returning to your hotel .
4 You can choose to have your CheckOver reviewed after six months or earlier , or annually .
5 Do n't hesitate to have your say on any aspect of the game !
6 I 'd like to have your number ; Jean-Luc Ponty is looking for a guitarist . ’
7 Then fill in the tiebreaker , telling us in not more than 25 words why you would like to have your family portrait taken .
8 I would like to have your permission to extend my stay , Mr Connon . ’
9 I SHOULD like to have your opinion regarding a touch and go subject : namely toilet facilities at football grounds .
10 I would like to have your comments please in time for that SMT — you can bring them with you on April 10th. at our next ( first ) Area Staff Management Team ASMT Meeting !
11 I 'll admit I 'd like to have your confidence in this but it is n't an obstacle to our friendship .
12 Oh you 'll probably be with us but you 'd like to have your own car .
13 Finally , you can apply to have your debtor made bankrupt or , if a company , to be wound up if the amount you are owed is not paid to you .
14 Les Conn : ‘ So anyway ’ , I said to David , ‘ I think you 'll have to have your hair cut , otherwise you wo n't get this programme on television ’ , to which he replied that he would n't cut his hair for the Prime Minister .
15 Pizza ee , you 'll have to have your daughter .
16 Quarter pa you 're gon na have to have your dinner at seven when you come home .
17 Oh , you 'll have to have your hair washed !
18 when you start learning a language you are constantly collecting new words , so even if you have a computer and intend to use it for producing a dictionary you may still wish to have your vocabulary in a more accessible form than on a computer disk , at least for the first few months .
19 If you work regularly for one agency you may want to have your position and experience reviewed from time to time , so that future work you undertake can be constructive and part of bona fide career development .
20 If you entertain a lot you may well prefer to have your kitchen separate from the dining area , unless you opt for a large and deliberately-for-dining kitchen .
21 You can afford to have your teeth done , a false tan , your hair done at Vidal Sassoon .
22 This is until you get going and can afford to have your own labels printed .
23 This attitude is fine if you can afford to have your machine out of action until it is repaired and replace components which have failed through neglect .
24 ‘ Do n't seem to have your address .
25 Well I do n't I do n't seem to have your book with me then .
27 Sentences such as : ‘ It would help to have your daughter 's opinion . ’
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