Example sentences of "[vb infin] how many " in BNC.

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1 IF the royals stage a smear campaign against Diana , they should consider how many people would tune in if Di broadcast her own Christmas Day ‘ message ’ on TV .
2 What do we need how many do we need that 's a double positive what about C O three ?
3 I do n't know how many times I 'd done the Harwich-to-London run , but the journey seemed different that day — like a well-known view captured in a freshly painted picture .
4 I do n't know how many breweries or pubs were knocked down during the redevelopment of Docklands .
5 You know that there are many paths leading to the house and from the house , but : ( a ) You do not know how many there are , where they come from , or where they go to .
6 Do you know how many people I have waiting for that bed or yours , Jack ?
7 The Russians changed their minds about intervening ‘ I do n't know how many times , ’ wrote Khrushchev .
8 We do not know how many agencies and courts still adhere to this policy and practice .
9 For example , over half of the participants ( 56 per cent ) did not know how many beers they could drink before reaching the legal limit for driving and well over two-thirds of them knew neither how long it took for alcohol to be burned up by the body ( 71 per cent ) nor what , if anything , was an effective way of sobering up ( 71 per cent ) .
10 The numbers coming to meetings can vary from 4 to 24 which is uncomfortable if a speaker is booked and I do not know how many will come .
11 You ca n't know how many people would understand you , or who these people would be , what they would do , perhaps it 's like what you said earlier , none of your business .
12 COLBERT : Do you know how many world titles I 've coached ?
13 I do n't know how many deaths now stand to his account . ’
14 We do not know how many individual meteorite falls are represented by the wealth of Japanese meteorite finds in the Yamato and Belgica mountains .
15 We do not know how many mares have a second hybrid foal , but even so this figure seems unusually high .
16 We do n't know how many inhabitants there are , or which is early closing day , or whether we can see the sea from the windows .
17 I thought how nice it would be to just stroll across the road and look at the river , and it appears to be quite simple until you get there and meet I do n't know how many lanes of traffic .
18 But I do n't know how many people today would accept as an appropriate test of criminality what is ‘ shocking , disgusting and revolting ’ .
19 But as we do n't yet know how many are wasted , be on the safe side : count the full number given in the F-Plan calorie and fibre charts , and reap the advantage in speed of weight loss .
20 Do you know how many calories are in Mr Singh 's curry or Mr Wong 's sweet-and-sour ?
21 What happened around these few listed events sadly is far from clear ; we do not know how many battles Ella and his offspring lost .
22 ‘ It 's a big disappointment to lose Kharin , but despite that we still have a good team — although when we play Rangers in Glasgow in April I do n't know how many players we will have left . ’
23 ‘ I do n't know how many times Stan has sacked me before , ’ he said .
24 I do n't know how many kids he has ( Faldo has two , with a third expected the week of the Masters ) but I find it amazing he can combine both ways of life .
25 I do n't know how many other nations could survive such a history — land being taken off us , our buffalo being killed .
26 With a total of seven ‘ foreigners ’ at his disposal , Smith must know how many Scots are fit and available before selecting his three non-nationals .
27 Mr Smith retorted : ‘ It is abundantly clear that you either do n't know how many billions of pounds were lost or you are unwilling to tell us . ’
28 Apart from the company it 's safer , because one really does n't know how many of the beggars one has to contend with . ’
29 I thought it sounded like a faulty needle but she said ‘ I 've changed I do n't know how many , all on the ribber bed , so I do n't think it 's that . ’
30 But we do n't know how many people there may still be trapped . ’
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