Example sentences of "[vb infin] her up " in BNC.

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1 Or if she was torn then the doctor would come er and stitch her up .
2 Then when he 'd done with her he 'd screw her up and throw her away .
3 She thinks it is simply awful that being successful and ( reading the ill-camouflaged sub-text ) gorgeous means that men wo n't chat her up , admire her breasts or perceive her as a sexual creature .
4 The bloke was a fucking nutter and she had let him tie her up !
5 And I got up and I was gon na tie her up like but and by gosh I thought I 'd better make for the door again .
6 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
7 He sat tensely , guarding himself for one false word or gesture that might dry her up .
8 But you must see that she says her prayers at night , Antoinette exclaimed : how else can you bring her up a good Catholic ?
9 Julia let them haul her up and stuff extra pillows behind her head , but the pain sharpened and she was hard put to it not to swear at them for hurting her .
10 ‘ We must carry her up to the sick-room . ’
11 She had to take all the money in his wallet , she explained , because her ‘ business manager ’ would beat her up if she did n't turn in the profits .
12 Why did you send her up to me ? ’ he asked .
13 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
14 He said you go up and lay in your bedroom he said and I can send her up when she comes in .
15 By the end of the week we 'll probably lock her up .
16 Her first novel , but she is already so popular with the media that they will lap her up .
17 She 'd always run into my arms when I did that so I could lift her up , but she do n't do it this time .
18 Suddenly , he was gathering her against him , as though he would lift her up into his arms and carry her off .
19 Sometimes she would stay like this for hours until one of the care assistants had time to stop and prop her up .
20 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
21 I felt that if , for perfect reasons of conscience , I could not fight for her , I must give her up for ever .
22 That I was n't in love with Nicola — which was true — and that I 'd give her up . ’
23 ‘ I 'll give her up once I 've taken you to bed , Rachel , and not before ! ’
24 Well we have n't much choice , we 'll have to arrange something else that 's all , mm I do n't , I do n't wan na give her up , she 's a good hairdresser
25 I had promised him that I would look her up , convey his admiring regards , and perhaps even bring him back a signed photograph of Miss Dragonette .
26 Yes , of course , she recalled , he 'd mentioned in Bruges that he would look her up when he was in the area .
27 They 'll clean her up , get lots of fluids into her because the main danger is dehydration , and then she may need skin grafts to repair some of the areas .
28 ‘ She says she 'll work , and we 'll jolly well keep her up to it !
29 He would ring her up every couple of months or so and invite her to the opera , or to dinner and no one paid any attention to this .
30 Shall I ring her up for you ? ’
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