Example sentences of "[vb infin] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So the fact that , like all Sir Hugh Dundas 's friends and admirers , I would love to see Ghofar win him today 's Martell Grand National does not , unfortunately , mean it will happen .
2 ‘ You ca n't consider him seriously . ’
3 No young woman would consider him now , and quite right too !
4 Palace what ? oh what they 're gon na buy him soon ?
5 ‘ Would she recognise him again ? ’
6 In the tolerant , big-hearted world of The Frank & Walters , there 's still one special breed of human being guaranteed to get the bird , and Guitarist readers will recognise him straight away …
7 He even uses words which come from the Old Testament Book of Daniel and they recognised that and here they 've got this pathetic looking individual in front of them threatening to destroy the temple , threatening to this , that and the other and here you 've got this power Sanhedrin who ca n't recognise him really as the Messiah and yet there 's a ring of truth about some of things that he 's talking about .
8 Various offers of other employment did not tempt him away , even a job at £1000 per year .
9 She did not trust him either , considering him to be little more than a teller of comforting lies , her mother 's doctor oozing reassurance from every pore .
10 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
11 Can I ever trust him again ?
12 I ca n't trust him again , but I still find him more interesting and exciting that any other man I know .
13 I knew I could trust him implicitly .
14 Do we trust him enough to rely on him utterly ?
15 Kirov had opened himself up so that the younger man would trust him enough to confide his deepest thoughts .
16 Huy knew that it was because the policeman could trust him only so far after his confession .
17 You realize I do n't trust him any longer .
18 Since then I learned to admire and respect him greatly .
19 Paul Accola of Switzerland took the overall World Cup title ahead of Tomba last year and the Italian 's refusal to compete in the super-G or downhill races mean the crown will probably elude him once more this year .
20 ‘ I have to admit it would not unduly burden him financially , ’ said Babcock .
21 Dari Sound overcame interference before getting up inside the final furlong at Beverley and today 's extra distance may suit him even better .
22 " Miss Honor would suit him well .
23 The party would n't suit him now , but at eighteen it was , he says ‘ the greatest thing .
24 He was in good shape and in good heart , and although it was known that he did not run up to his best at Cheltenham , the conditions would suit him much more than those of a year ago and few opposed him .
25 He intended to press for a re-vote and one member less of old Throgmorton 's supporters would suit him nicely .
26 ‘ Do you know him well ? ’
27 He is splendid company though you must know him well to have his trust for the scars of rebuke when called a traitor for playing in South Africa a decade ago remain etched on his character .
28 He is splendid company though you must know him well to have his trust for the scars of rebuke when called a traitor for playing in South Africa a decade ago remain etched on his character .
29 Alexia did not know him well , he realised .
30 I am Catholic and can not divorce but I do not want to divorce because I do not know him well enough to want to divorce him .
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