Example sentences of "[vb infin] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quasi-science will remain as a perpetual epiphenomenon .
2 but someone he could trust , someone who understood the language , someone who would afterwards be gone , who would n't remain as a perpetual reminder of his uncertainties , a fellow professional to whom he could comfortably think aloud .
3 Now that herbs have invaded many parts of our lives , and not least our gardens , how much of this is just a fashionable " phase , and how much will remain as a permanent and essential ingredient of everyday living ?
4 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
5 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
6 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
7 The compensation could not be increased if the council had lost it 's appeal and it would therefore remain as a maximum of £1 million .
8 Whether Highland should remain as a single-tier region or be divided into smaller units is likely to be one of the most difficult decisions Mr Lang faces as he reaches an advanced stage of drawing up his plans for local government reform .
9 Community Health Councils will remain as the link between authorities and the consumer , and the working papers mention consulting consumers in audit of services .
10 Although Terminal courses would probably remain as the bulk of provision — ‘ the breadth of the base of the movement amongst ordinary folk ’ — ‘ the Tutorial Class must be the demonstration that real understanding , whatever the purpose , requires sustained effort ; and a significant expansion of activity at this level is the true index of a significant expansion of a genuinely informed public . ’ .
11 We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit … made them .
12 Alternatively , Exminster could remain as the hospital for elderly mentally ill patients , allowing a planned closure of Digby Hospital after short-stay beds had been established in Torbay and North Devon .
13 Industrial manufacture would remain as the basic technique of production in the society which would replace capitalism .
14 Thus a certain sales figure may remain as the target but the spending habits of the income group from which the sales were to come may have shifted .
15 Mr Brandt , who was mayor of West Berlin 28 years ago when East Berlin put up the Wall and who stood next to Mr Kennedy during his famous speech , said the barbed wire and wall were ‘ against the flow of history ’ , but added that it should remain as an ‘ an historical monstrosity ’ .
16 In the past there has been an assumption that pupils ' attainment will dip as a result of transfer and a settling period will be needed .
17 That happened to Harry Porter in about 1927 when Lance Henly called after him ‘ Young Mr. Porter , do n't you think as a member of the Bank of England you should not be playing as an Artisan ? ’
18 Do you think as a band you have a basic outlook that you all agree on ?
19 SFA has some very important rules as to who a firm should treat as a customer in these circumstances .
20 Right , but let's say that you 're not prepared to pop back , let's say that you 're sitting there and you 've got from that point , you want , you no want to go to the house , right , now you 're not you 're not gon na treat as a twenty minute call back , let's kill that for a minute
21 There is evidence from which it appears that the United Nations Organisation considers that there are persons whom it may treat as the representatives of the Republic of Somalia .
22 The hay fever season in Britain will lengthen as a result of global warming , according to a study by Dr Timothy Rich , a plants and vegetation consultant .
23 ‘ I will stay as a governess with the Robinson family , ’ Anne said sadly .
24 Of course , it did n't stay as a ‘ one-off ’ for very long !
25 I would therefore argue that even if the discrepancy between girls ' and boys ' performance at the top levels of achievement in mathematics was entirely due to differences in ability ( which I do not believe , but nevertheless should stay as a possible hypothesis ) , there is a strong case for saying that we should act to try to alter the situation .
26 Yes , that 's right so if you copy the formula then they erm the G will always stay as a G no matter where you copy it to , but if you copy the formula to another row you copy it from the cell below then the three becomes a four and er this one ?
27 Former Nottingham Forest reserve Stephen Bell can stay as a non-contract player after a late-season trial period .
28 His head makes little involuntary movements , the first beginnings of the small pleasurable movements which his whole body will make as a kind of modest disclaimer in the face of Harry 's approval .
29 I can make as a good a vassal out of some faithful man as can any of my counts , and maybe even a better one " .
30 I would be grateful if you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me , with the payment and contract and any other additions you would normally make as an indication that you agree to these conditions .
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