Example sentences of "[vb infin] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Here again I was able to prove myself useful and to gain a little kudos : I could compose with what seemed to others an astonishing facility an ode or sonnet on behalf of some lovesick junior and addressed to some beefy , lacrosse-playing heroine in whom I myself had no emotional interest whatsoever .
2 I used to try and act in straight plays but I was so bad they made me act with my back to the audience .
3 ‘ Humans can act with my puppets , ’ said Uncle Philip .
4 She can act with my puppets up on my stage .
5 But can he act with his body ?
6 Range Rover diffs will directly interchange with your SWB Land Rover diffs with no modification .
7 After that it was supposed that the others would merge with them .
8 Thus a car manufacturer might merge with its headlamp supplier and a brewer might acquire public houses .
9 It had already been announced that the East German SPD would merge with its West German counterpart in September , and that the two Christian Democratic Unions would merge in October .
10 I propose Elizabeth that you circulate Jenny 's reprocedures to everyone but we do n't know with them , that we will read them prior to the next meeting and agree them at the meeting papers turning I have got to assess papers turning take one .
11 Do n't know with them
12 ‘ Do n't you know with me every day was the same , ’ Patsy said cheerfully .
13 When you hit , clutch your body with your arms , do n't bounce with your legs .
14 Lovat ended that appeal by emphasising his belief that it was ‘ a most wise & prudent maxim that a man in power should do for those that he is pretty sure will stand & fall with him in all events ’ , and in general that was the major qualification for appointment to the judicial bench in eighteenth-century Scotland .
15 Even if rates do fall again , unemployment may not fall with them .
16 Similarly , many hawks can hover with their heads almost motionless on the most windy and blustery of days .
17 Injuries have not made Brady 's task any simpler — Tony Mowbray , Gerry Creaney , Joe Miller and Peter Grant are all missing — but Celtic should win with something to spare this afternoon .
18 Sarazen was favourite for the 1932 title , but it was clear he would not win with his new caddie .
19 ‘ Oh , that 's the chin , ’ said Jay , ‘ that chin says do n't fuck with me , fella !
20 ‘ Do n't fuck with me , lady . ’
21 ‘ But do n't fuck with me .
22 Easily faked but hard to sustain , cool that says , Do n't fuck with me , when all around are begging for it .
23 ‘ Do n't fuck with me , Coleman , ’ Hurley roared , finally losing all patience .
24 ‘ Do n't fuck with me , Coleman . ’
25 Easily faked but hard to sustain , cool that says , Do n't fuck with me , when all around are begging for it .
26 He ca n't fuck with me . ’
27 We 're your goddam public , so do n't you fuck with us . ’
28 Providing she is sufficiently impressed , she will mate with him inside the bower .
29 Males continue to court in the way they do because if a male were to stop producing part of the species ' typical display , females would not mate with him .
30 If I am to live , I must defect with my aircraft .
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