Example sentences of "[vb infin] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
2 ‘ I hoped you 'd say that — why do you think I brought you here , where we can be alone ? ’
3 Why do you think I brought you down to his place if it was n't so that I could stake a claim on your patience — make you listen to what I have to confess because there was no way you could run away from me — flag down a taxi , catch a bus and head for the airport ? ’
4 I do n't think I scare easily , but I sure as hell scared myself that weekend .
5 I pride myself on an ability to remember route details , but I do n't think I kept to my line of ascent for more than a third of the way down the first time I did the Hornli Ridge .
6 ‘ I do n't think I met anyone who was having her baby adopted .
7 Do you think I make a habit of this sort of thing , is that it ?
8 Who said : ‘ I do n't think I take any part in his downfall whatsoever . ’ ?
9 The glamour girl said she felt no guilt over Mr Mellor 's resignation and declared : ‘ I do n't think I take any part in his downfall whatsoever . ’
10 ‘ I do n't think I realised quite how kind until they were killed . ’
11 ‘ Then why the hell do you think I keep coming to see you ? ’
12 I did n't think I looked so dreadful before , and I certainly did n't think it was any business of theirs how I looked .
13 ‘ Everyone would think I 'd been messing around !
14 Would my mother now think I 'd suffered enough , I wondered .
15 I do n't think I 'd better .
16 I remember thinking , ‘ Gosh , I did n't think I 'd left all this out on the floor .
17 I do n't think I 'd taken a breath from when he took his stance until the ball finished up on the green .
18 ‘ Did you think I 'd kicked the bucket , Ma ? ’
19 I do n't think I 'd ever really looked at him , to be honest .
20 Where would they think I 'd gone to ?
21 You 'd think I 'd given him the moon . ’
22 You would n't think I 'd been complimented on them , would you , but when I 'appened to show them accidental to a gentleman once , he said I ought to go on the stage and wear tights and a little frou-frou skirt — here , where you goin' ? ’
23 I do n't think I 'd ever felt so taxed in my career .
24 But I do n't think I 'd better think about that .
25 Well erm I actually stopped smoking about er , two years ago and was quite surprised at the amount of weight I put on in about five months , which was two stone , which I did n't think I 'd deserved !
26 Anyone 'd think I 'd never had a baby before . ’
27 When I heard I 'd got it , I was stunned — I did n't think I 'd got it .
28 I just privately discharged myself and let the Americans think I 'd been here all along . ’
29 Really , Tom , the way you 're defending her , anyone would think I 'd tortured the girl !
30 ‘ Well , there was a little problem , but I do n't think I 'd better talk about it on the phone . ’
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