Example sentences of "[vb infin] to such " in BNC.

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1 With no food and only a couple of bottles of Lucozade in the car , she knew that if the delay lasted much longer , her blood glucose could fall to such a dangerously low level , that she risked slipping into a diabetic coma .
2 That is , the underlying holdings of serious reference works , older classics , local history and other works of more than ephemeral interest would fall to such a low level that most readers ' questions and serious enquiries could not be answered without outside help .
3 It might appeal to such people for two reasons .
4 Perhaps he does go a little over the top with the rubato in the slow movement of K332 , but no-one could really object to such sincere intentions when they are delivered with such conviction and zest .
5 CPRW does not object to such an approach , believing that it is quite appropriate for planning officers to explore the potential for overall planning gain in specific cases .
6 They would not object to such a tight fit , in fact it would help them keep their restless horses under control , but once they had set spurs and the horses bolted , murder occurred . ’
7 ‘ No-one will object to such a pretty uniform .
8 A properly drafted lease will ensure that the lessor can not object to such formal assignment and will expressly provide that the named lessees hold the term for the partnership .
9 Who could possibly object to such comprehensive , unsolicited publicity ?
10 Unfortunately audiences did not warm to such tales and their commercial failure led to Pearson losing control of his own company .
11 Neville , however , pressed on him the support in the country that he would bring to such an administration and the effect it would have in restoring confidence .
12 Neville , however , pressed on him the support in the country that he would bring to such an administration , and the effect it would have in restoring confidence .
13 Comfortably seated in a television studio or before a television set , we tend to forget that experience and offer pious hopes that public transport will improve to such an extent that in some miraculous way new roads will be unnecessary .
14 I wish to explore those proposals , lay bare the dangers which lurk beneath them and identify the threat not only to parliamentary representation from Scotland in this House but to the economic well-being of Scotland if the Labour party were ever in a position to exercise in Scotland the kind of powers that it would give to such an assembly .
15 Electronic records remain a problem as far as evidential law is concerned because there are questions of admissibility[3] and the value or weight the court will give to such records .
16 What value or weight will the court give to such computer-based evidence ?
17 We will refer to such issues in Chapter 8 .
18 [ W ] e shall refer to such a social structure as one of primary rules of obligation .
19 This is convenient , and on occasion the European Court does refer to such preparatory works .
20 The right hon. Gentleman can hardly refer to such a body as having the kind of authority with which he seeks to imbue it when it disagreed on a number of matters and failed to address any of the ones that really matter .
21 To test whether definitional overlap could contribute to such an application , it is necessary to show that where genuine semantic relationships are present between word pairs , the technique is sensitive to them .
22 Perhaps the better answer would be that all three phases should contribute to such knowledge , and that the initial training phase should have an appropriate contribution rather than try to carry out all the work independently .
23 Do n't expect them every day mind , we do n't run to such luxury in this house . ’
24 Mr Rapson , a former mayor of Portsmouth , condemned the egg-throwing incident and said : ‘ It is disgraceful that anybody should resort to such measures to make a political protest . ’
25 Any practical filter can only approximate to such an ideal , of course .
26 There seems to be a struggle , which Milton perhaps did not intend , between the reader 's response to Satan as a powerful and convincing character and the way in which one should react to such a malevolent force .
27 With a lunge , he grabbed the bag from between her fingers and flung it across the parquet , where it landed with a thump before skidding to rest beneath a radiator , then before she could react to such a flare of violence he was reaching out for her , dragging her into his embrace , his lips ravening hungrily over her own with a fever of desire that sent shock waves of fear and desire quivering through her .
28 Finally , because the examination is set on knowledge and abilities required for secondary school entry , and because all children do aspire to such entry , it forces teachers to cover material with their pupils whether they are able to understand it or not ; the very antithesis of sound pedagogy .
29 ‘ But I find it quite deplorable that anyone should sink to such depths .
30 Unfortunately , the only pot-bellied old man they ran into was clutching a plastic container of meths , and our heroes could n't quite sink to such a Lollapalooza level of debauchery …
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