Example sentences of "[vb infin] of a " in BNC.

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1 By this time I was more than ready to ask Moby what she did , and how much it cost — but then I felt the full-thighed waft of a new female presence .
2 Does anyone know of a supplier or second-hand dealer who might have one ?
3 Do you know of a reputable dress hire shop in my area who will be able to kit me out ?
4 Do you know of a source of parts ?
5 She did n't know of a more loving couple than her mum and dad .
6 Does anyone know of a signwriter who could paint me a decent menu board for my catering trailer ?
7 She may know of a suitable baby . ’
8 Do you know of a company which produces self-supporting fencing which is flexible and can be placed around the pond which is an informal shape .
9 We do n't know of a UK distributor , but Photon is available in the USA via Phi Technologies , Box 100087 , Nashville , TN 37210 .
10 I decided to put pen to paper and let you know of a few problems some of us have in trying to become machine knitters .
11 I was in favour of a world religion — an all-enfolding religion rejecting no one , but I did not then know of a church or religion which would include all men .
12 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
13 Do you really know of a Labrador like that or are you — ’
14 The trainee watches a video clip of a client needing savings advice , and can retrieve files and ask questions which are answered by the client .
15 But then the watching gods take a hand ; and one of them says that the great Roman god might not approve of a settlement in Africa , of a mingling of peoples there , of treaties of union between Africans and Romans .
16 Q. Do you approve of a woman having to have a vaginal examination as apart of the routine medical examination to enter Britain ?
17 He shouted to the protesters : ‘ I ask you citizens of Derry , do you approve of a crash programme of 2,000 houses ? ’
18 He does n't approve of a lot of things .
19 Brown Owl certainly would n't approve of a Brownie trying to do something risky on her own .
20 As mentioned before , the fact that one may not approve of a practice can not be a reason for wishing to have it outlawed .
21 He also saw that if the parties did not approve of a rule laid down by a court — a ‘ certain rule ’ — they could choose to vary it by contract .
22 But I left in a hurry because the piglets ' mother did n't approve of a stranger wandering among her brood and she came at me open-mouthed , barking explosively .
23 The point here is that not only does the present design of a missile invite , or call forth , a suitable antidote , say a radio jamming device .
24 Yet what do we then make of a Gallup finding ( 21 — 6 May 1987 ) that , when asked to choose between inflation and unemployment as the greater threat to them and their families , 49 per cent chose inflation and only 43 per cent unemployment ?
25 all that godliness , honour and love could make of a knight was combined in Don Rodrigo …
26 Turned upside down on the floor , it became my boat , my cart , a railway engine — it 's amazing what a child can make of a simple object in imagination .
27 Benny glared , and wondered maliciously what this narrow-minded type would make of a Draconian , or a Centauran .
28 It is of course very difficult to predict all the uses you might make of a new technology until you have had time to experiment with it , so the same golden rule applies to recording as to playback : start small with a basic system to which you can add .
29 There are several tried and tested arrangements of units and appliances which will give an idea of the use you can make of a given shape : The one-wall kitchen , the U-plan kitchen , the L-shaped kitchen and the galley kitchen .
30 If you read with such issues in mind — and how they actively affect what sense you can make of a text — introductory notes often become relevant and interesting in unexpected ways .
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