Example sentences of "[vb infin] where [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He had his own little boat and do you know where farmers make farrows on the land , the only mark that was left behind by Angus was the mark where he pulled his boat up on to the shore every day that the weather was not too rough .
2 You do n't quite know where things are to begin with . ’
3 Th'can do summat for me and if th'does n't Samson shall know where th'lives .
4 He 'd never know where virginities were knocked down , or how one bidded .
5 But the police say they will prosecute where offences can be proved .
6 Interesting forms may result where rocks of differing lithologies are exposed in the cliff face , especially where soft , incompetent rocks are overlain by resistant rocks .
7 And the quality systems will help us to monitor and identify where things are going wrong and once we know what is going wrong , we 've got an opportunity to put it right .
8 It is by studying the pattern of naming times across such different situations that we can understand where changes in size and orientation affect recognition .
9 But like every artist , one can always look back and see where things could have been improved .
10 So you will eventually get the opportunity to take as Mike has maybe already told you , get eventually get the opportunity to take the audio tour yourself , so you can see where things are .
11 A DoH spokesman said the new guidance will clarify where inspectors can play a legitimate role .
12 Local tradition may indicate where cottages stood until recently , but the fieldworker should be aware that much earlier structures may also have occupied the same sites .
13 Lord Alexander told MPs that inspectors should record where facts are in dispute , whatever their own views .
14 point of personal explanation , that 's exactly what I did n't say , I said we had to ensure that walkers were able to use the places they can walk where horses can are , are also using that er , er , er route as well .
15 ‘ I have found that mere appeal to reason does not answer where prejudices are agelong and based on supposed religious authority .
16 Recently , travel industry experts forecast that during the 1990s specialist travel shops will open where customers will be able to buy travel goods and equipment alongside their tickets and package holidays — Cook was always in the forefront of business ideas .
17 Now , a transporter must only say where wastes are going ‘ if it is known ’ .
18 For the life of her she could n't fathom where funerals came into it .
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