Example sentences of "[vb infin] think it " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't know think it would be easier ?
2 If it comes down to that , I would need to think it over .
3 And I 'd I do think it 's possible erm with help for people both sides have a partnership to change you know if we take an honest look at ourselves .
4 Yeah I would 've thought it was the job of the national account executive or whoever it may be to go there do the business , find out what 's what and apportion that out to wherever it 's most appropriate either to the field sales or or to whatever , because
5 I would , I would 've thought it would take
6 ‘ Crazy , I know , but I really did begin to think it ! ’
7 Scheibe is a wheel or disc and bücken is the transitive verb for ‘ to bend ’ so I would like to think it meant ‘ wheel-buckler ’ though I greatly doubt it .
8 Perhaps it was n't very subtle , but I 'd like to think it was funny .
9 It is a novelty record in some respects , although I 'd like to think it 's a lot deeper than that too .
10 In an awful way ( you did n't even like to think it ) this improved him , made him less superior .
11 ‘ I would like to think it 's a bit like Disney — it keeps going without its creator . ’
12 So that 's an important point and one which is not in Freud 's book although I 'd like to think it would have been , had he written it much later on when , when group erm therapy had become very fashionable .
13 I 'd like to think it was my body they were after , but I suspect they just wanted to destroy the shirt .
14 They do n't tell you why you are given honours but I would like to think it was because of Minder .
15 I would like to think it 's because we have shown our ability to spend the money well in previous years . ’
16 I can keep thinking it 's not happened .
17 There was a time when she could remember thinking it was a very nice room and that she was lucky to have a carpet on the floor and not just lino .
18 Keep shit at bay , keep warmth at bay , those maggots of feeling , breeding in the shit , sooner or later it gets to them all , even Hilda , love at last , her very words , who would have thought it .
19 She said it was tragic because of Kezia , and the way she went on you 'd have thought it was all my fault .
20 I would have thought it was your duty to take law …
21 Who a decade ago would have thought it possible that the chief benefactor of bus deregulation would be BR ?
22 Whoever would have thought it possible ?
23 I would have thought it is very dangerous to get football hooliganism mixed up with mugging .
24 Someone must have thought it was a bright idea , though .
25 Who would have thought it ?
26 As though anyone could have thought it was a joke , with Doyle 's face set foul as a thunderstorm and the disgusting stream of custard ruining the meat .
27 ‘ I would have thought it was a perfectly reasonable question .
28 I grow Thermopsis montana in my own garden and would not have thought it would last well in water .
29 Who would have thought it possible in a boring little town like Surrey Hills ?
30 Who would have thought it would come to this ?
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