Example sentences of "[vb infin] that you " in BNC.

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1 Remember , though , that badgering agents is quite useless ; if they want to come they will come , but telephoning them and overselling yourself can be just as useless as not letting them know that you 're alive and working .
2 If you take part you will be showing solidarity with the poorest nations in the world and letting governments everywhere know that you care about the environment and its undeniable rush to destruction .
3 If you can ignore it then you 'll know that you have nothing to blame yourself for .
4 Your audience must know that you finished on time , without knowing how you did it .
5 When you are up then you must know that you are up !
6 If you contact them by means other than our Reader Service Card , please let them know that you read about them in CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN .
7 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
8 You do n't know that you are inadvertently causing the work to arrive late by stressing its urgency any more than you know what thoughts and feelings are going on inside the typist .
9 Shedding tears is a way of letting other people know that you are in need of comfort .
10 You may know that you have passed all your exams but , if your Inner Face tells you ( for whatever reason ) that you are incapable of achievement , that is what you must put down .
11 Let the customer know that you understand her requirements , eg' I see , you want a set of four saucepans . ’
12 Following your training in lifting people , you will know that you need to work out first what method suits the resident as well as yourself .
13 I do know that you will have more peace if you can grasp how crucial relinquishment is , how utterly safe it is to place your children in God 's sure hands . ’
14 John 13:35 says , ‘ All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another . ’
15 Is there anything which your intended should know that you have not revealed to this point ?
16 He must know that you can be trusted , otherwise his first and last inclination must inevitably be to turn you down .
17 ‘ I do n't know that you should , sir . ’
18 You may feel rather unsure of what you want in life mid-June , Capricorn , but by the end of the month , you will know that you 're doing the right thing !
19 Did Toby know that you and Dominic would be here this weekend ? ’
20 Firstly , you can know that you are an OK person because you are the most fantastically designed , most wonderfully advanced and most incredibly complicated part of God 's world !
21 But once the Jaguar had moved away she turned to Theresa and said in a voice of surprising gentleness : ‘ Does your father know that you 're out alone ? ’
22 ‘ And does Tom know that you have come to see me ? ’ asked the counsellor .
23 By reinforcing your credit policy a reputable debt collector can not only recover your monies but can also let your customers know that you run an efficient business and that you expect them to do the same by paying you as and when agreed .
24 ‘ I did not know that you had bought her a ring today , until we came back , ’ she said .
25 ‘ A lot of guys out there now do n't know that you got ta have the timing and planning for this stuff , and they just go and do it on the spur of the moment and get caught . ’
26 At work , emotional needs are stronger than a lot of people realise ; by letting people know that you have them , and identifying theirs , you can gain influence .
27 Let the other person know that you know they 're not God .
28 Let them know that you have n't prepared , and you insult them even further .
29 Your best bet is to let the insurance company know that you have a fish tank before you take out a policy .
30 ‘ Scuse me , missus , ’ said the bus conductor , ‘ but did you know that you have a banana in your ear ? ’
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