Example sentences of "[vb infin] but [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nothing would do but that she have the honour of meeting you , signorina , despite my best efforts to convince her otherwise . ’
2 His purpose was to demonstrate not that the earth did spin but that it was impossible for human reason to prove that it did not .
3 I had long believed that the primary health care team did not really work but that it could be made to do so by adhering to contracts .
4 Paragraph 8. 10 ( c ) of the PAC 's 1981 report , The Role of the Comptroller and Auditor General , stated that the present arrangements for the financial audit of nationalized industries should continue but that the C & AG should have access to the books and records of these bodies in order to enable him to report to the House of Commons ( paragraph 4.16 — 4.19 ) .
5 Well my Lord , all we know is that erm when the report was served on the defendant it then came through court they were going to have to call Mr and then last week it was suggested er that er not only did they not agree but that they were going to try to prevent it being admitted in evidence .
6 And even when I learned you were a prying journalist — and when I 've always preferred my walks to be solitary — what do I find but that I 'm asking if you would like to walk with me ! ’
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