Example sentences of "[vb infin] for [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 A contracting party can stipulate for what consideration he chooses .
2 You owe me , Mr Scott , except that nothing can ever compensate for what you stole from me six years ago . ’
3 But however much he 's awarded , Peter says it 'll never compensate for what he 's lost .
4 But Bill says no amount of money can truly compensate for what he describes as three years of pain .
5 Erm there 's the P W P five year thing which , which we 've got to erm cover for which we 've covered as two F T E for the six months and then we 'll need to review that after that .
6 If , however , a vector x does exist for which Ax = 0 , this clearly means that any column of A can be expressed as a linear sum of the remaining columns ; by the rules for evaluation of determinants this requires unc to be zero .
7 Dr Rolleston was retiring quietly to let a younger man prepare for what we were beginning to think was inevitable .
8 I ca n't answer for what happens to the horses there . ’
9 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't know for what act of yours the Deity has seen fit to bless us with mounted Normans , and shiploads of mercenaries , and woods that burn in a trice , but you must have dropped a word somewhere that commended itself . ’
10 A machine he 's designed , I do n't know for what purpose , I did n't dare ask , I was going to ask Vaughan .
11 One trouble is that one would n't know for which integers k , if any , the replacement of x by x + k would change the given polynomial into Eisenstein form .
12 Framed her own mind in Adam 's will and learnt to sit patiently and wait for whatever happened next .
13 The use of visual aids can be helpful to your talk but they are an aid and should not substitute for what you intend to say .
14 So I think we must today level out the rules on this and we must speak for what is the majority of opinion in this country , by every single opinion poll that 's been conducted , and that is Chairman to vote to ban fox hunting on our land .
15 This means he must look for what had the most far-reaching effects .
16 What is to be understood as happening is perhaps that , given that someone wants to be Christian , she as a feminist will look for what female representation there may be in the religion , whether or not this is fully satisfactory .
17 ‘ She ca n't vouch for what her husband did . ’
18 Endill did not move for what seemed like a long time .
19 The people of West Gloucestershire say they 'll vote for which ever party solves the areas main problem .
20 Whenever we asked for reassurance , Mr Smith assured us that his tribal chiefs were loyal to him and would vote for whatever agreement he advised them to .
21 Deep down she knew that she should apologise for what she had said , but she 'd had enough today to last her a lifetime !
22 He did n't apologise for what he 'd just said , she did n't expect him to .
23 There is an optional second year which students can apply for which ‘ joins up ’ with the two-year diploma course .
24 Without doing anything at all he could make things happen for which he must be punished with slaps , missed meals or verbal assaults that left him trembling and incoherent .
25 On the left-hand column write any idea or feeling that you would have that you would not communicate for whatever reason .
26 The information that the writer would not communicate for whatever reason .
27 Whilst the lion cub 's mother can hunt for what she needs , your kitten depends on you .
28 Viewers would pay for what they watched .
29 No longer would a viewer pay for what he/she did not watch or for a service which he/she did not use .
30 Yes , what concerns me a bit about surrogacy is someone was saying earlier that people will pay for what they want , but what if what comes is n't what they want ?
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